(09 Sep 2021, 7:57 pm)Yorkshire Pudding wrote Evening - new member here (living outside of the area but with family around County Durham)
A few questions/points re recent discussions:
Nice to see a "proper" Sunderland map online - https://images-gonortheast.passenger-web...n%20v2.pdf - but the version they've put up right now only shows service numbers in Ryhope - hopefully by tomorrow they'll have tidied it up and put on a version with layers of information all over the city!
The extension of the 21 surprised me - other than a Brandon - Arniston direct link I'm not sure what the market is - pensioners who are happy to sit on the "all stops" service all the way to Newcastle rather than changing in Durham for the X12/ X21? Extending an already long temperamental service seems asking for trouble otherwise (the congestion around North Road is bad enough once for a driver without doing it twice on the journey through Durham)
I can't see the 38s surviving for long given the diversion of the 2 via ASDA (and the Stagecoach 12)
(that's it for now - nice site you've got here btw - very informative)
Yeah, good to see a proper map up there.
Never quite understood what was going for the 38, 38C, 938 in recent years......