(04 Oct 2021, 11:05 am)Andreos1 wrote I've always been of the opinion that there doesn't need to be a chain of buses following each other in and out of the town.
With a new, improved, fancy bus station (or rail network if storx gets his way), TVTE has an all signing/all dancing hub. It works for those working on the valley and works just as well at 10.30 at night too. Much better than a random stop on Durham Road (one of the options they encourage currently!)
to be fair this wasn't aimed at you. I tend to agree with 99% of what you post! But you could say Gateshead is a hub but how many buses turn around there and return to kibblesworth, birtly QE hospital, wreckenton? Not many I tell you. I may have made this up but I'm sure when the Metro first started in the 80's the buses that did continue to Newcastle only dropped off at Gateshead metro - if you were in Gateshead and wanted to get to Newcastle the Metro ( and maybe the cross tyne service 1 ) were the only choices. Now it seems like GNE rival the metro by charging slightly less to get to Newcastle as do arriva from haymarket to regent centre.
If you are comparing team valley to a bus stop on Durham road personally i choose durham road due to the pubs i could pop into. I don't fancy sitting in McDonalds or costa then having to leg it to the bus stop for my connection. I rather be in a pub having a pint and just have to cross the road to the bus stop. Obviously talking about team valley as it sis now. If they spent ALOT of $$$ on it this may be different)