(15 Oct 2021, 3:17 pm)54APhotography wrote A handful of the newly branded Graphite Solo's captured today
675 NK16BXS | Optare Solo SR M925 675 travels along the A101… | Flickr
676 NK16BXU | Optare Solo SR M925 676 travels along the A101… | Flickr
678 NK16BXW | Optare Solo SR M925 678 travels along Ryhope R… | Flickr
The nearside photos clearly show why the logo is at the size it is - the photo is obviously a little dark which makes the 'scribble effect' difficult to see, but there's actually very little room on the nearside, as had been suggested previously by someone else. Obviously on the offside there is more room, but having the logo two different sizes would look odd.
Lots of full buses on those three photos too... Almost as if the passenger data that Go North East uses to make decisions was actually right after all, and that the anecdotal cases of 'full buses' on the 39 during the day weren't actually an issue after all.