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RE: Site update
Anyone who wants to revert to the previous template has the option to do so. There is a board style in your options called 'NEB New'. This is the old template, exactly as it was. We won’t be updating the coding for this old template any longer, however.
Between me, Dan and Adrian, none of us really have the time or effort to put into maintaining NEB as much as we did 10 years ago when the community first started. The redesign and platform you see now is a generic template from the MyBB community with an updated logo - that’s it. We hadn’t updated the MyBB forum software for over a year, and the old template lacked a lot of the options needed – password retrieval, ability to post attachments and so forth. We had a lot of emails from people trying to access the platform, who couldn’t, as so little of the scripting was kept up-to-date. Yet, none of us reply to emails either, as we don't have the time.
While I accept that you hardcore warriors aren’t happy with the changes. It was a quick and effective way of getting a platform which actually worked to its full potential, with updated coding, without effort on the part of me, Dan and Adrian. Without the change, it wasn’t going to be long before nothing was working. Then no doubt, there would have been a lot of you who took to Twitter and Facebook to message Dan direct about the issues. If NEB were to fail to exist beyond next year, we'd at least want it to go out with all functions working.
We maintain this site for you lot. Normally once every year or two, Dan has to force me to do updates to coding. Dan has to force himself to update the fleet lists and news too every other year these days. We are busy, and the last thing we want to do with our free time, is to work on this site. We don't ask you to use the site, its a choice. Some of you could do with remembering that.

Site update
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RE: Site update
RE: Site update
RE: Site update
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RE: Site update
RE: Site update
RE: Site update
RE: Site update
RE: Site update
RE: Site update
RE: Site update
RE: Site update
RE: Site update
RE: Site update
RE: Site update
RE: Site update
RE: Site update
RE: Site update
RE: Site update
RE: Site update
RE: Site update
RE: Site update
RE: Site update
RE: Site update
RE: Site update
RE: Site update
RE: Site update
RE: Site update
RE: Site update
Site update
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RE: Site update
RE: Site update
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