Storx   15 Jan 2022, 1:37 pm
Personally I'd rather there was a bus station at the South side of the city so there's isn't buses (generally) driving like absolute bellends right through the city of the centre heading to a bus station at the wrong end of the city. All the services coming from the Tyne Bridge should be no-where near Haymarket and if they want a Metro connection then they should be using Gateshead anyway so it's not needed.

It's all good suggesting cutting cars going from the city but there's something unique about cars they can go wherever they want. People WILL NOT change to a bus, they will go to the Metro Centre, Silverlink, Kingston Park, Team Valley and so on instead. Also there's the argument buses should be no-where near the city either there's a perfectly fine Metro system which takes people to the heart of the city underground where most these buses cross over multiple times - Gateshead and Regent Centre in particular where people should be changing.
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