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Nexus Tenders | Newcastle & North Tyneside - March 2022

Nexus Tenders | Newcastle & North Tyneside - March 2022

RE: Nexus Tenders | Newcastle & North Tyneside - March 2022
(28 Mar 2022, 8:02 pm)omnicity4659 wrote The 19s that are meant to meet the Ferry departures at 0800, 1000, 1330, 1430, 1530, 1600, 1630 and 1730 missed them today... couldn't confirm if 0830 or 1100 ferries had a 19 connecting into it.

Bit annoying that the 317 turns up on time but can't use Ferry/Metro tickets on there... missing GCT on the 333 already!

It's daft that Ferry/Metro tickets aren't accepted on the 317. Have Nexus offered any explanation for this? I can't see what difference it makes to them, when I presume they're fully funding the 317 anyway?

(29 Mar 2022, 9:21 am)DaveFromUpNorth wrote If it is a nexus secured service and the service is not operating- this must be reporter to Nexus and handy to cc a local cllr in to make them aware of unreliability issues

I can't help think why GCT don't track all of their buses?

Maybe being cynical but if no-one complains to Nexus they persume the service runs.

Yeah driver shortages or breakdown etc are not uncommon in the industry

But a Nexus secured service must be ran . If they can't run it - they should ask another bus company to run it on there behalf as a temporary measure even if it is an odd shift or two - surely bus companies would be happy to work together for the benefit of passengers.

GCT also have an added benefit of running a taxi perhaps as an emergency  temporary fix  - like station taxis operate "TaxiBus " service

Secured services should be there to benefit passengers.

I spoke to Nexus a few months ago about an incident and I was told to check the website and social media of GCT to see short term cancellations 

Non operational services damage the bus industry and services and make them deemed by the public as unreliable

Whilst I agree that issues with secured services should be reported directly to Nexus, as they own the relationship with the contractor, I'm not sure what you'd hope to achieve by copying local councillors in. Most councillors don't have a clue about the state of public transport, as they don't use it themselves. They're likely not going to do more than forward the email on to someone at Nexus or the Council's transport team.

GCT do provide live tracking for their buses, as required by the legislation on bus open data, and it's available through and other tools. Operators are also contractually obliged to report lost mileage to Nexus. Not doing so would be fraudulent and make them liable to prosecution. Valid records also need to be kept for BSOG claims.

When you talk about working together and providing replacements, I'm not sure why a secured service should be singled out here? It's a huge problem right across the network, which is largely commercial. I don't think any operators have plans or processes in place for when the last bus service is cancelled, or even a run on an infrequent service is cancelled. The 17.34 #74 from Newcastle to Hexham was cancelled a couple of Saturdays ago, and the next full service wasn't until 23.20, yet nothing was put in place.

Transpennine Express are rightly getting a kicking for cancellations, but at least when there are cancellations, there's staff available at larger stations and customer services available until late. They're also obliged to ensure you make it home, if the last service of the day is cancelled. Whereas it's tough luck if you're travelling by bus, and good luck trying to contact anyone.
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