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North East BSIP: £804 Million Pound Plan For North East Buses

North East BSIP: £804 Million Pound Plan For North East Buses

RE: North East BSIP: £804 Million Pound Plan For North East Buses
Mixed feelings….it’s a positive step but it’s handing to money to Gannon and Hughes. The Gateshead Central Taxis equivalent of leadership.

Until our regionally xenophobic leaders get over themselves and accept a North East Mayor as opposed to Sunderland and Gateshead having panic attacks about their minuscule importance becoming even more minuscule and Newcastle stealing their lunch money the sooner we can move on and actually grow. It’s going to be a labour mayor regardless (low turnout will guarantee it) so they may as well crack on with it.

And more funding of Metro which is increasingly looking like a 21st century nice to have white elephant.
Wistfully stuck in the 90s

RE: £804 Million Pound Plan For North East Buses
RE: £804 Million Pound Plan For North East Buses
RE: £804 Million Pound Plan For North East Buses
RE: Ne14ne1
£804 Million Pound Plan For North East Buses
RE: £804 Million Pound Plan For North East Buses
RE: £804 Million Pound Plan For North East Buses
RE: £804 Million Pound Plan For North East Buses
RE: £804 Million Pound Plan For North East Buses
RE: North East BSIP: £804 Million Pound Plan For North East Buses