(12 Apr 2022, 7:43 am)54APhotography wrote Streetlite are inevitable for the 61 now, the Mercs must be next to be eliminated, two Cherry's have been oos for two months, 5293 is never going to happen, 5289 is dead and reliability is rock bottom.
Perhaps more Streetlites can be found on the market to get the X20/35/55 converted.
Are the Mercs even that bad? Ignoring all the usual caveats of Bustimes the Versa's seem much worse. Percy Main is really struggling as 4 of the Q3's are off the road. There also appears to be 4/10 VOR at Deptford aswell. There's 6/26 VOR for the Merc's in comparison which given their age isn't that bad. There's always a lot of buses off the road at for one reason or another.