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Northumberland County Council Tenders - April 2022

Northumberland County Council Tenders - April 2022

RE: Northumberland County Council Tenders - April 2022
(14 Apr 2022, 8:41 pm)mb134 wrote No you're right, but that new estate surrounding the hospital is going to be huge. I'd imagine you could loop it by adding 3-4 minutes to the running time. At the moment the shorts get 14 minutes to get from Ashington Bus Station, to the hospital, and back where it's realistically more than achievable in 8 or so - so add that loop in and you've still got a couple of minutes sitting time at Ashington.

The Widdrington's look a tad more difficult, but you could cut the sitting time at Ashington from the current 4 minutes to 2, and then slice a minute off at both Widdrington and Blyth?

Not to the houses that are currently being built by the Spine Road though?

Aye possibly like, in fairness for the number of houses down there I wonder if there could be a case of just extending all the X22's down with an extra bus on the PVR. It serves quite a large area and shouldn't affect the rest of the route really.

RE: Northumberland County Council Tenders - April 2022