(11 Jun 2022, 10:17 pm)Storx wrote I disagree with this. There's a leisure market Sat and Sunday and the odd punter in the evening other than that there's nothing.Which seems crazy when you think it's during this period operators push their services at their most frequent.
The problem with buses is they're dead between 9:30am - 3pm'ish, Monday to Friday and then same again 6pm'ish onwards - the majority of their operating time. People don't do leisure during those times so your not fixing the problems and having a Saturday / Sunday only timetable would be confusing as hell.
Regardless what people say there's still a peak time because there's still massive traffic jams every day at the usual spots and these aren't people going to a bingo hall, cinema or shopping at Team Valley. In fact in some places it's worse than it's ever been especially Moor Farm and the Tyne Tunnel. Going down the mugging off a commuter who could buy a annual ticket for roughly £1k a year to chase a leisure user who uses the bus once a week for £7 is down right suicidal.
But to link ambassador back in. Isn't that what he's saying? There needs to be more beyond the 9-5 and it needs to factor in more than the town centre services we see now and have done since the days of the trams?