(29 Aug 2022, 11:08 pm)Unber43 wrote 84/85/93/94
THey should become actual loops.
I just realised this a few days ago and its another failure from management imo.
At this current time the 93&94 interwork meaning while they are loops they are very badly designed as if you want to get to Bensham, from Gateshead Stadium you would either need to slog 45 mins on 93 or 20 mins on 94, however to save 25 mins you would need to pay double the fares so why don't GNE just have the 93 stay on the 93 all day so you can go past the terminus Gateshead e.g Heworth to Bensham qucker than having to go the long way around. Samr for 84/85.
I don't know why they don't do it this way.
I’ve added “failure from management” onto your Bingo card. It appears daily at the moment!
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