(04 Feb 2023, 9:53 am)RMF1254 wrote The hourly 51 is fine by me although it was better half hourly with the 51a. So would it better having no bus or an hourly one? I know what people who use the 51 would say.
Honestly most people will probably react the same. I'm not using the bus it's too infrequent / I'm not using the bus it doesn't exist. Same result at the end of the day sadly.
It's a route which needs someone to really give it a crack but it's in a bit of a no mans land territory area as no-one really serves the area. Wonder if extending the 1 but looping around the roundabout and only running as far as Holystone - something like https://www.google.com/maps/place/Whitle...F1q67wb41n could work, it'll only be 1 PVR so the same as the whole 51 will be pretty much or if you wanted to test it do - https://www.google.com/maps/dir/55.00581...bf!1m0!3e0 but it might be a bit tight.
The 311 tbh would solve Wiltshire Drive and give them a better service aswell.