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Rumoured cascade of ADL Enviro400MMCs from Ashington

Rumoured cascade of ADL Enviro400MMCs from Ashington

RE: Rumoured cascade of ADL Enviro400MMCs from Ashington
(05 Feb 2023, 8:07 pm)L469 YVK wrote @storx - so would this mean StreetLites on the 1/2/57/57A?

Potentially guess it depends on what is best, some of them would be Streetlite, other's would be the Pulsar's which are still about 15xx and that. Guess it depends on what would be better on what (1461 and the two from Durham would be Euro 5 though so would be restricted). Seems there's problems though as mentioned after, didn't realise the X14 boards had been changed as there used to be a board that could be ran by anything and was quite often ran with a minibus.

The 7 is a route which needs Decker's though really, I know Jimmi is always moaning about it and it is busy whenever I see it.

RE: Rumoured cascade of ADL Enviro400MMCs from Ashington