RE: Go North East - Latest
One thing I must say is that GNE have made a very good decision ordering the Volvo B9TL when they've upgraded routes from older double deckers or from single deckers. They've went down the route of folking out a bit extra to buy a quality double deck bus wuth a quality engine that will last many years, unlike the chea and nasty route Arriva took by purchasing E400's and VDL DB300's with cheap nasty turbocharged Cummins engines that are only designed for town and city work, not endurance or rural work tearing through rural B roads; and up and down a stretch of the A1 and the A19. GNE have safeguarded double deck routes for the long term with the B9's, whereas Arriva are now screwed and only have the option to purchase so called eco friendly double decks with tiny little turbocharged engines that are uselsss for the type of routes in Northumberland (x10,x11,x21,x22,x15 and x18) that Arriva run