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Nexus Tenders - September 2023 (North Tyneside)

Nexus Tenders - September 2023 (North Tyneside)

RE: Nexus Tenders - September 2023 (North Tyneside)
(15 Jul 2023, 6:11 pm)V514DFT wrote Why not leave the 22 alone and either send the 12 or Q3 up there i' d probably opt for the Q3,  meaning the 41/41A couldbe canned at the same time,  hey if push comes to shove, they could probably do something with the 18

Sending the Q3 up there would mean a, near enough, 1 hour journey time from Hadrian Park to the city centre. Pretty much double the current time, which I imagine would kill usage. 

It comes back to newer estate developments being pretty horrendous for bus routing. Hadrian Park is a prime example of this, but others include Great Park (both sections, but particularly the part served by the X46)

RE: Nexus Tenders - September 2023 (North Tyneside)
Nexus Tenders - September 2023 (North Tyneside)