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Nexus Tenders - September 2023 (North Tyneside)

Nexus Tenders - September 2023 (North Tyneside)

RE: Nexus Tenders - September 2023 (North Tyneside)
(15 Jul 2023, 6:47 pm)mb134 wrote Sending the Q3 up there would mean a, near enough, 1 hour journey time from Hadrian Park to the city centre. Pretty much double the current time, which I imagine would kill usage. 

It comes back to newer estate developments being pretty horrendous for bus routing. Hadrian Park is a prime example of this, but others include Great Park (both sections, but particularly the part served by the X46)

Thats my bad, i keep forgetting the Q3 goes through Jesmond now, in fairness the previous 307 attempts didnt really help as they started in pretty random places, like Benton ASDA,didnt really make sense (to me anyway) always seemed to me that that version of the 307 was just there for the 17 so there wasnt a bus sitting around doing nothing, the 51 weirdly i thought had potential, as the 355 seemed to do well, i guess it boils down to this, most routes now are trying to serve a demand from the yesteryear just for the sake of nostalgia, and in some places its like trying to polish a turd, look at GNE's 1 as a prime example, extended to the Metrocentre, then unextended, then extended again, i believe they did it with Wrekenton aswell, then unextended it, then re-extended it, instead of looking and saying "that bit works, lets leave it alone", they piss about with it, sorry to pick on GNE there, its the first example i could think of
Kind Regards

RE: Nexus Tenders - September 2023 (North Tyneside)
Nexus Tenders - September 2023 (North Tyneside)