(08 Feb 2014, 9:22 pm)aureolin wrote Yeah unfortunately that's true. The ideal solution would be to do what London do, and like the ex-London President's are configured, i.e. without any seats in the wheelchair/buggy bays. It discourages people from using them who don't need to.
Good on Adam as well. It's pathetic the way Health and Safety is always used as an excuse, despite those using it never being able to point you to the particular piece of legislation that they're referring to. The key to Health and Safety is identifying and preventing risks or hazards prior to them occurring. That being said, a wheel chair user trying to alight without a ramp and assistance is surely a bigger hazard than assisting them. Or even better - move the bus a few feet.
In my eyes the Driver is to Blame for the Health and Safety Hazard that occurred Today in the First Place, as he Stopped right in front of the Bus Shelter, Knowing once he got of his Cab and pulled the Ramp Out, That the Wheelchair wouldn't be able to get off the Ramp due to the Plated Glass part of the Bus Shelter being in the Way, with it being one of those New Shelters as well. He should of simply folded the ramp back up and moved the Bus a few Feet before allowing the Wheelchair Passenger off, Then the problem he caused would have been easily solved, but then again he should of moved the Bus a few more Feet before even getting the Ramp Out. What if when the Wheelchair Passenger was turning the Wheelchair to get off side ways, had tipped over on the Ramp, The wheel Passenger would ended up going Head First through the Bus Shelter window. Just complete Laziness and Lack of Customer Care, could argue that he should be Sacked for what he did also.