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Proposed changes to Services 35 & X21 within Newbiggin & Woodhorn

Proposed changes to Services 35 & X21 within Newbiggin & Woodhorn

RE: Proposed changes to Services 35 & X21 within Newbiggin & Woodhorn
(19 Nov 2023, 10:38 am)mb134 wrote Regardless of the impact of the train, I don't think a total rework of those routes is what is needed. 

I imagine the X21 will have time built in to the upcoming change to allow it to loop the Wansbeck Hospital estates once they're completed, it should only take a couple of minutes extra. 

In terms of Newbiggin, lots of people already get a 35 to South Side and catch the X20 from there. I think the solution could be to do a 6am and 7am express (like the X30), which start at Ashington, loop Wansbeck Hospital, through Newbiggin, then direct to town. There is an Ashington 43 board which starts at 0655 from Newcastle which the first one could go onto, then the second could go onto one of the later starting X21s. In the PM peak you could use their school bus to do one out of town around 1630, and an early finish X21 board to do one around 1730.

Aye, I get that. I don't know, I'm not saying those above but there's quite a lot of Ashington which is pretty badly served as they've built new houses and they've forgot to put buses there especially at the East side. Not sure what the answer is but not sure banging more time onto the X21 and making it even slower for Newbiggin is the best idea personally.

Alnwick Drive and Dunstanburgh in Bedlington is another area crying for a bus service if some bus stops were fitted, but again same problem with making other bus services slower, similar to Stead Lane.

I'm not going to suggest millions of routes but imo it would be better to try and resurrect the old X31/X32 somehow in Newbiggin instead of confusing loops but that's going to be bigger changes.

X31/X32 timetable for those who forgot -

RE: Proposed changes to Services 35 & X21 within Newbiggin & Woodhorn