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North East BSIP: £804 Million Pound Plan For North East Buses

North East BSIP: £804 Million Pound Plan For North East Buses

RE: North East BSIP: £804 Million Pound Plan For North East Buses
(24 Feb 2024, 5:24 pm)V514DFT wrote And they'll take ages to "upgrade" them, then run out of money half way through i bet ya

No doubt they'll somehow make them worse aswell. Mind if it's anything like North Shields and Byker currently they'll have 4 way traffic lights causing absolute chaos.

(24 Feb 2024, 5:28 pm)deanmachine wrote There's not much point, because when they build bus infrastructure they never give buses any more priority. Gateshead High Street, a new trafflic light for me to wait at, Gateshead Askew Road, another traffic light for me to wait at, Sunderland Southwick Road, a traffic light for me to wait at that doesn't even change after 8pm, Sunderland Bedford Street/John Street, a bunch of traffic lights just slowing buses down with no priority for them. 

I could probably go on, but the planners have seemingly no idea where the problems are, and us bus drivers have never been asked where we think the bottlenecks are.

Aye not surprised at all, there seems to be a complete obsession with the things lately.

I'm not sure how the bus priority works at them, but personally I'm really confused how that would work along on all 3 routes mentioned here considering none of them have a bus lane. How can you let a bus through, if it's stuck behind a car, just sounds like some complete bs to me as an excuse to use bus funding to do them instead.

It's same with this stuff about setting them up to improve flow, yet you go along somewhere like Scotswood Road and you'll get stuck at every set of lights which suggests to be they're not setup right - at all.

RE: £804 Million Pound Plan For North East Buses
RE: £804 Million Pound Plan For North East Buses
RE: £804 Million Pound Plan For North East Buses
RE: Ne14ne1
£804 Million Pound Plan For North East Buses
RE: £804 Million Pound Plan For North East Buses
RE: £804 Million Pound Plan For North East Buses
RE: £804 Million Pound Plan For North East Buses
RE: £804 Million Pound Plan For North East Buses
RE: North East BSIP: £804 Million Pound Plan For North East Buses