Could Riverside become a "SuperDepot"
Aka you have riverside as the main hub to fix and repair etc ... but CPO part or even a third of the Metrocentre overflow car park to increase capacity and house say another depot with a possibility of Say overflow on an evening in Metrocentre bus station
It could potentially say house 350-400 buses within a mile radius.
Percy Main depot to sadly close and relocate to Walkergate some services and (Snowdon /Megabus) move.
If services aim to terminate at Newcastle Gateshead Metrocentre it is easier to run empty to the Metrocentre
Services can also run up and down the A1 effectively
It also means there is a possibility of making it into an electric hub
Some of if not all of Slatyford could be moved and a park and ride site be created
Blyth arriva services ( the services to Newcastle ) other blyth services move to Ashington and GCT could be also be moved over to the new site
A lot of interworking would be needed to reduce lost mileage but I don't see why say service 100 reintroduced and if a service terminates in newcastle they operate the 100 to Metrocentre then off to depot same as X66 at Gateshead
And when services leave the depot they operate X66 and 100
RE: New North East Mayor - Bus wishlist