(15 Jun 2024, 1:37 pm)mb134 wrote The issue is that response shouldn't be required, and wheelchair users should be able to board buses. Obviously a broken ramp is slightly different (provided it was checked and worked on a first use inspection, and the defect happened in service), but the reports on here and elsewhere indicate that GNE have been knowingly sending out vehicles that cannot safely board wheelchair users at various bus stations, due to the centre door position of the ramp.
But surely if this happens a taxi should be sourced so the customer can get to where they are going? Would it be better if no bus turned up at all? Are GNE sending out these half arsed buses but keeping the good ones that could be sent out at the depot? Also what's the crack if a w/c user is already on the bus, does the w/c user waiting to get on have to wait for the next one?