(24 Apr 2014, 10:01 pm)Racer_Experience wrote this might be an idea for 27 to split into 2 routes have one every 20 mins while the other the same why not have 27 operating its Normal route until Hebburn Town Centre then instead of going down Victoria Road East to join on to Campbell Park Road then on to Finchael Road why not replace that part with 27A and run the 27 up Victoria Road West and have it run direct along past the Football club and then where the old College used to be thus run Service 27 as Every 20 mins and 27A every 20 mins so a combined frequency to every 10 mins thus allowing to Withdraw 27X and 515 but still keep it under the Crusader brand and will require 14 vehicles once 27 and 27A then can rejoin the current 27 Route at Hebburn Fire Station this will ease pressure of 27 with capacity and it will give residents a nice vehicle instead of a crappy MPD
Sorry, but i don't see GoNE reinstating old 27A route back. Busy part between Fire Station to Town Centre is where 27 goes now. That would mean loss for Nexus who run's both 27X & 515.
I think could be wrong but GoNE had dropped 27A due to low demand & 20mins is too long to wait

followed by 87 to 30 mins.