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RE: Service X93
To those who commented on the use of coaches this is one bright idea. Running a direct service, perhaps just peak season, direct from Middlesbrough to Scarborough non-stop would alleviate the pressure on the service vehicles ; maybe even extended with a start in Newcastle?
And to Andreos. Yes I fully appreciate what your saying there. I assume it would be local
service and TTX before even getting near the
X93? A veritable nightmare.
WHOOPS! Nearly missed Adams post! In everything positive we can say about the service, that sort of experience is sadly an all to frequent part of life on the X93 and unfortunately not much we can do about it. A shame.

Service X93
RE: Service X93
RE: Service X93
RE: Service X93
RE: Service X93
RE: Service X93
RE: Service X93
RE: Service X93
RE: Service X93
RE: Service X93
RE: Service X93
RE: Service X93
RE: Service X93
RE: Service X93
RE: Service X93
RE: Service X93
RE: Service X93
RE: Service X93
RE: Service X93
RE: Service X93
RE: Service X93
RE: Service X93
RE: Service X93
RE: Service X93
RE: Service X93
RE: Service X93
RE: Service X93
RE: Service X93
RE: Service X93
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RE: Service X93
RE: Service X93
RE: Service X93
RE: Service X93
RE: Service X93
RE: Service X93
RE: Service X93