(28 May 2014, 7:06 pm)Dan wrote V. helpful, Adam. Ta!
I know I've already added some of the things which you've noted (perhaps after you started producing that, as there is quite a lot there) and I'll probably do those tomorrow.
Can anyone add any more to what Adam has just done?
I thought I would have a look through to see what the updates were like which were previously noted by yourself, mainly on a few MPD's, which was when I spotted a few of the East Durham Examples had previously been Kingfisher, then it clicked other Examples had been in Magic Roundabout Livery, which lead to 4 Hours of checking over Every MPD's Vehicle History to make sure everything was up to date, plus the fact that I was rather bored and nothing to do anyway, glad I could be of assistance Dan, if need any Photos etc i'd be happy to help in that Area of the Fleet List also.