Volvo B10BLE 4845: R845 PRG has returned to Stanley from Deptford and MPD 535: NA52 AWX has been transferred from Peterlee to Hexham.
Volvo B10M driver training vehicle 7076 has been re-registered R139 ABT prior to disposal.
Volvo B10BLEs 4837: R837 PRG, 4838: R838 PRG and 4839: R839 PRG and SPDs 8221: V221 ERG and 8231: X231 FBB have been sold to Ensign Bus Co., Purfleet.
Edit: The soccerbus tab has being took of the site - obvious reason because the football season has ended.
Will we see 4910 de-branded and re-painted?
RE: Go North East - Latest
Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.