(25 Jun 2014, 8:41 pm)NEBCD Malarkey wrote 56A - Sunderland Interchange - Queen Alexandra Bridge - Sunderland Enterprise Park - Castletown - Waterview Park - Barmston Village Centre - Washington Village - Washington Galleries - Albany - Concord - Donwell - Springwell - QE.Hosptital - Gateshead - Newcastle
Every 30 Minutes - Replacing Service 73
M2 - Birtley - Ayton - Lambton - Washington Galleries - Washington Retail Park - Biddick - Teal Farm - Waterview Park - Peel Retail - Sulgrave - Concord - Donwell - Usworth College - Heworth
22 - Newcastle - Gateshead - Q.E. Hospital - Wrekenton - Eighton Banks - Portmeads - Picktree Village - Chester le Street - Great Lumley - Fence Houses - Houghton-le-Spring - Doxford International - East Herrington - Barnes Park - Sunderland
Who the hell is going to sit on a bus from Newcastle to Sunderland via Chester n Lumley?? They would just use X36 or 56 or metro