(29 Jun 2014, 11:53 am)Drifter60 wrote I can't see Peterlee operating it unless they want to use an MPD on it with it been an trail service. Only services ran by Peterlee are East Durham (expect 238) and WearTees Express.
The Peterlee bus would have to get from depot to Doxford. There's already a few fast cats which finish at Easington/Peterlee then just go NIS to Deptford. I think we'll see a Deptford vehicle used not sure on vehicle type though might just be usual allocation of Fast Cats Scania.
Looking at the timetables, it would seem irrational to use a "Wear Tees Xpress" branded Merc, as it would involve a 1hr 20m break for the driver at Peterlee Bus Station (with little to no resources available).
However, the 265 which departs Durham at 20:10 arrives at Hetton at 20:38. I don't think that this vehicle performs another service, so would presumably run light back to the depot from there.
Instead, I'd suggest that this vehicle would run light to Doxford Park from there (approx 5 miles, taking 10 minutes to run light there).
The driver would then have a more rational 20 minute layover in between, then performing the 21:10 X35 back to Peterlee. Providing the demand is there, it could work out more profitable to do that instead of running it back light from Hetton.