(31 Jul 2014, 11:38 am)AdamY wrote As this forum contains a rather surprising amount of fans of 'The Bill', I was wondering how everyone came to appreciate the series.
I have to admit that I had no time for The Bill in my adolescent years. My parents used to watch it but I thought it was rather boring. It was not until my early-20s when I started to the show on a regular basis. And the main reason for that was because it always seemed to be on UK Gold no matter what hour of the day I happened to switch on my television. After a while I started to enjoy it before actively seeking past episodes on the net.
I have always liked it, even when I was younger.
No particular reason why, there was just something about it.
Would never rush home or make the effort to record it, but if I was at home and I had no plans, The Bill was often a port of call.