To be brutally honest the 73 would of been scrapped years ago if it wasn't for the OAP's who live at Coach Road in Washington when all have to do is walk to nearest Bus Stop which there is like 8 on the perimeter of coach road and about 150-200 yards walk in each direction with a bus every few minutes on each side.
Personally i'd scrap the 73 from operating Coach Road and have it replaced by a TaxiBus Service once an hour Between Coach Road - Concord - Washington.
I do quite like the idea of the 37/73 working in circular routes and interworking with each other, I don't agree with them being once an hour though at Every 30 Minute Frequency across parts of the route. I'd have them maintain there current half hourly frequencies with a every 15 minute frequency across parts of the route.
My route would be:
Washington Galleries - Biddick Woods - Shiney Row - Herrington Burn - East Herrington - Doxford International - Doxford Park Shops - Farringdon - Silksworth - Barnes Park - Royal Hospital - Sunderland Interchange - Fawcett Street - Wheatsheaf - Castletown - Sunderland Enterprise Park - Washington District 15 Exit - Waterview Park - Teal Farm - Peel Retail Park - Sulgrave - Concord - Washington Comprehensive School - Barmston - Washington Village - Glebe - Washington Galleries
Bit of a round the world trip by all means
RE: Service Suggestions