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Politics (and other political stuff)

Politics (and other political stuff)

RE: Political Discussion
Isn't there already a politics thread?

Anyway - I am all for the regions having a voice, particularly the NE (although biased), does seem to be 'left alone' under tory rule.
It happened under the last tory government and the current one too (no idea about previous ones prior to Thatcher).
When Labour got in last, it seemed the majority of the cabinet was from up here.
I was hoping for a massive swing in government spending, but it never really happened.
Guessing the change to New Labour and the constant appeasing of middle England saw the end to that - after all, why look after a guaranteed vote, when you can concentrate on fostering new links with new voters.

When Prescott put the idea forward in the past of a regional Government (was it him with elected mayors too), I was in two minds.
If it brought a greater voice and prosperity to the region - excellent.
If it created another layer of governmental talking shops - then it would never work.
There were powers devolved in Cardiff, Edinburgh and Belfast, but apart from creating another layer of politics, I am not sure anything has been achieved.

Something needs to be done and a radical shake up needs to take place within the political spectrum of the UK.
The Scottish vote has stirred something and whilst Cameron may have been blasé about it initially - hopefully it has given him an almighty kick up the backside!
'Illegitimis non carborundum'

Politics (and other political stuff)
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RE: Politics (and other political stuff)
RE: Politics (and other political stuff)
RE: Politics (and other political stuff)
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