(02 Oct 2014, 5:08 pm)NEBCD Malarkey wrote X34 - Hartlepool - Peterlee - Easington Lane - Rainton Bridge Npower - Houghton le Spring - Doxford International - Sunderland
62 - Sunderland - Grangetown - Ryhope - New Seaham - Dalton Park - Murton - Hetton le Hole - Rainton Bridge Npower
How about this
Combine it with the 61 and run on a loop
Something like this
Modified 61: Sunderland-Grangetown-Ryhope-Dalton Park-Murton(Woods Terrace, Pit Road, Cornwall Estate, Webb Avenue, Barnes Road, Station Estate), it would change number at either Dalton Park or Murton Station to 62 and head to Rainton the way... you suggest and from there closely follow the 20/20A/X35 route from Houghton-Sunderland
Apologies if I am over complicating thingds here