(07 Oct 2014, 8:34 pm)Robert wrote Good to see that 3874 is back in service. Should be transferred to Stanley later on in the week as it appeared on DFDS service 327 today. #getridof3814
Indeed. To provide further information: 3874 has had an engine overhaul and re-entered service again for the first time in two months today.
Hopefully its transfer to Stanley will enable them to get a move on with those Olympians, though I bet they cling onto at least some of them until they have 3876 back in service... Reckon that's another engine overhaul job though!
Mind, I'm not complaining as long as the Olympians stick to scholars (which, in Stanley's favour, seems to be the case, as there haven't been many reports of Olympians on normal service work recently)... Can't be having any #olympianbashing on NEB!
On a similar note - Scania L94 4935 is still at Deptford, VOR...