(11 Oct 2014, 9:21 pm)Racer_Experience wrote today Michael said to me "while a driver flicked the blind for 88 to Lukes Lane the blind accidentaly said 1 whitley bay" sometimes happens happned to me during the week when trying to get the new Solo Gateshead Central Taxis have got displayed the morning service saying that though a cadet has appeared on 1 service in the past when Lolynes were getting refurbished also at the time no ominicities were on 1 i recon the next few years 1 could get Geminis either 1 or 2 a lolyne handles the numbers really well my favourite was 3860 the 1st decker i photographed on my 2nd turf Jarrow the cadets were actually Centurion branded ones
Did it?, i can't remember that.