(07 Mar 2015, 10:09 am)Jimmi wrote I actually only had one come up to me yesterday in Darlington and I wasn't really that bothered was just thinking " oh **** off"Never really that problem myself, had people look at me when I am taking pics but never been talked to in that way...Maybe being older and a big lad may work to my advantage.
The worst I've had so far was Bishop Auckland Bus Station where two chavy lasses started shouting in my face " EEE YOU BETTER NOT BE TAKING PHOTOS OF PEOPLE" and I totally just didn't care so I decided to take loads of photos of the bus they got on to **** them off.
So these instances can happen anytime, anyplace really, some are happy having their photos taken, other's aren't and I don't particularly care if people who don't end up being snapped as you often can't really see them in the photo anyway.
Yesterdays general chav pain was not related to my photo taking it was just chavs being loud annoying and stupid as ever, for an example of stupidity from yesterday check the Darlington Town Centre Bus Stops thread later on when I make a post.
The worst I seen was an older gentleman in Peterlee being called a nonce, paedophile and abused with a barrage of swearing and 4 letter words, I was not able to defend him as I was already on the bus, and it was due to pull out as it was late

My most embarrassing moment came from my mam, I decided to meet her from work one night, we were in Park Lane and a Drifter Versa pulled in on the 42, she said to me 'Look, it is off it's normal route, are you going to take a photo of it' at that point I could feel my face on fire, going bright red and I could feel every set of eyes looking at me to see what I would do...lol