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Reversing the decline in passenger numbers

Reversing the decline in passenger numbers

RE: Reversing the decline in passenger numbers
Potentially coming from S106 funding, a mate of Eldest Constantopolus and his parents, have recently moved in to a new property. 

Unsure of the ins and outs, but I do know the mate is making use of a £100 travel voucher (may be Pop, may be GNE specific) to get to and from work.

He doesn't drive, but it will be interesting to see what impact this ticket has long-term for him and other residents on the estate.
'Illegitimis non carborundum'
RE: Reversing the decline in passenger numbers
(11 Apr 2024, 10:30 pm)Ambassador wrote It did actually come up that the X39 used to operate to Gateshead. If it returned it has  the air of a BSIP funding option to it..

The Metro is interesting, it barely came up tbh. Whether people are conditioned to bus transfers or just put off by the reputation or difficulty of getting to Northumberland park…

A northstar contracted e200 silver link to Northumberland park incoming…

Very slow reply, I missed it, that'll be a messy one being stuck in traffic to Gateshead aswell mind.

Always a strange one Northumberland Park. It's even worse the announcements have for Cobalt and Silverlink. Wonder how many people have got off before expecting to just walk there and find it's a mile away and good luck trying to find the bus there. Mind I always feel like it should be part of the Cobalt Free Zone.

Dare I say it, it's the sort of route where autonomous pods would be ideal if they ever did come into existence tbh.
RE: Reversing the decline in passenger numbers
(20 May 2024, 12:21 pm)Andreos1 wrote

Just glanced over this. Will read/digest fully later.

Interesting piece, whereas I'm supportive of a true public service, I still think putting competent people at the forefront is key. 

Something I don't think we'll see when Kim hands the keys to Nexus, equally I don't think Burnham has succesfully implemented the Bee Network as much as he potrays
Wistfully stuck in the 90s
RE: Reversing the decline in passenger numbers
(21 May 2024, 1:50 pm)Ambassador wrote Interesting piece, whereas I'm supportive of a true public service, I still think putting competent people at the forefront is key. 


Two of the largest operators in the region have Nigel Featham and John Rochford at the helm. We're seeing one of those operators let their standards slip to arguably their lowest ever point, while the other is suffering from a chronic staff shortage and hasn't met PVR for months (at this point it could be years). The worst part about that is that honestly it's hard to know which part of that statement applies to each operator, just to show the extent of the failings. 

The industry needs new blood with fresh ideas, but also needs to be far more transparent. The public, who at this point are pretty much paying for these services to run anyway, deserve a far better service than the one currently being 'delivered'. 

Essentially I don't think we can simply move to a system where the same old people are running the show, all you will get is a continuation of the public being treat with utter contempt.
RE: Reversing the decline in passenger numbers
(22 May 2024, 9:12 pm)mb134 wrote 100%. 

Two of the largest operators in the region have Nigel Featham and John Rochford at the helm. We're seeing one of those operators let their standards slip to arguably their lowest ever point, while the other is suffering from a chronic staff shortage and hasn't met PVR for months (at this point it could be years). The worst part about that is that honestly it's hard to know which part of that statement applies to each operator, just to show the extent of the failings. 

The industry needs new blood with fresh ideas, but also needs to be far more transparent. The public, who at this point are pretty much paying for these services to run anyway, deserve a far better service than the one currently being 'delivered'. 

Essentially I don't think we can simply move to a system where the same old people are running the show, all you will get is a continuation of the public being treat with utter contempt.

John Rochford at the helm of Arriva? When did that happen?
RE: Reversing the decline in passenger numbers
(23 May 2024, 5:47 am)RobinHood wrote John Rochford at the helm of Arriva? When did that happen?

Perhaps my wording was wrong, however he is 'Head of Service Delivery' if his LinkedIn is anything to go by. 

The services aren't being delivered, so my point stands. 

Maybe I should have used Maxfield as the GNE equivalent, as nobody really knows what he does either.
RE: Reversing the decline in passenger numbers
Just had a great example of why the public don't trust using buses today. My other half left a bit too late to make it for the 9:36 24 from the Nook to Westoe. With it being a Sunday service that means there was nothing else to Westoe until after 10am.

Or was there? I looked on Apple Maps and it told me there was an E6 due at 9:48. My other half didn't believe it, as the paper timetable, and Stagecoach app didn't have anything listed of the sort. So I had to go and pick her up in my car and take her to work, but guess what was leaving her stop as we got there? The E6.

The Stagecoach website has an update from the 22nd April that the E1, E2, & E6 are running a Saturday timetable on the May bank holidays, but it's not like it was front page info, I had to go digging for it. What use is that information when it doesn't appear anywhere else for the public easily, except for weirdly, Apple Maps. My other half is now looking at cars for us to buy a second one, and she has a free pass.

The general timetable on a Sunday/bank holiday morning here is absolutely shocking, considering she usually has at least 12 buses an hour to get to work on a regular weekday, and that changes to 1 on a bank holiday Monday. The lack of information is just as bad though, It's good that Stagecoach put on more of the E buses, but that's no good if nobody knows they exist. It just shows how desperate we actually are for an integrated system here, even more so for up to date information in bus stops in this age.
RE: Reversing the decline in passenger numbers
A while ago i asked on hear about getting from the pelaw penthouse to Eston outside of Boro by public transport.. Got some good replies and when i looked it was either an explorer at £12.30, or just £2 on each bus ( no more than 6)  or train then bus at what cost.  Anyway drove there and back yesterday, 45 minutes each way, full tank of fuel when i left.  Filled up  at whitemere pool on way back and journey cost me 8.97p in petrol to brim. also picked up and dropped off at door. Nothing to worry about missing connections or not turn up ( although it was getting "admired" in boro!!) and of course my own company with my own tunes.

Not sure how a bus can compete with that.  its either make travel free or increase the cost to use a car?