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What's annoying you today? V3

What's annoying you today? V3

Marxista Fozzski
RE: What's annoying you today? V3
(06 May 2015, 3:25 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote A heated argument in class due to people twisting my words.

Regarding GCSE options, I simply stated; ''if you pick subjects like Business, IT, Languages; you're more likely to get into the world of work in today's market than if you pick (what I call ''the mickey mouse'' subjects) only Art, Music, Design, etc''.

Bit harsh calling them Mickey Mouse subjects, when I did Drama at College I was accused of not doing a proper course

I do understand where your coming from though, the chances of becoming the next Van Gogh or Mozart are slimmer than a seriously ill anorexic person

(06 May 2015, 3:25 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote A girl, who I don't particularly get on with to start with, turned around and said ''well actually, my cousin is at Cambridge doing Art, so that's just backfired in your face, Marcus!''. Hang on, I'm sure Cambridge is a university, and not a job...?


(06 May 2015, 3:25 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote This attracted quite a bit of attention, our teacher was out of the room, and people started to twist my words by telling others wishing to get involved that I'd said ''all people who pick Art are going to never get jobs''. Amazing how stuff can pick up. Then, the girl got back to me saying that she'd just texted her cousin, who called me ''a sad pathetic bus wanker'', and that I can't talk. I then ask what is wrong with liking buses, and how it should be seen as any different to liking football, cars, etc. Then I get remarks saying that they'll bet on me never getting a job, because I'm too ignorant to realise that people can go far by picking subjects like Art and Design, and I'm saying only people who pick Business and other poignant subjects will get far in life... I was never disputing that in the first place - I was only saying that that are more chances of getting a job by picking certain topics over others...

The old bus wanker insult, not been used on me for a while now, an insult that makes me laugh is Bus Botter (sounds like Bus Spotter speeded up)[/quote]
(06 May 2015, 3:25 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote Luckily, a boy sat next to me starts to pick up on what I've said and agrees with me - but it's still the cat amongst the pigeons, 5 v 2... Never denied that those subjects, should you have a talent in them, can take you far.

Least someone is backing you up, when I was at school I had nobody

(06 May 2015, 3:25 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote I eventually gave up, but people still have a go at me saying I'm a hypocrite. In my eyes - I made a pretty accurate statement...

You are quite correct
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RE: What's annoying you today? V3
I don't agree nor disagree as such, but what I will say is that different people perceive comments in different ways. Although you mightn't have intended for the comment to cause offence, one of your classmates may have taken offence by it because they (or even one of their friends or family) have opted to go down the route of taking less academic subjects such as Art, Music, P.E, etc. Perhaps if it did cause offence, this is the reason for your comment being misconstrued?

I personally think that it is important that students choose the subjects that play to their strengths and/or interests. Larger state schools offer such a wide array of different subjects as they have the resources to do so, and in my opinion, students would be awfully foolish to choose a subject based on its reputation and/or significance, if they had absolutely no interest or understanding in the subject.

I don't profess to have a great deal of experience in the area, but I have been there and done that. My school advised Year 9 students to take a language at GCSE as it allegedly shows that you're able to learn something completely new and universities look highly on this. I absolutely hated French, as some of you will be able to remember from my previous rants in this thread (probably the V1.0 variant), and still to this day regret taking the subject. I'd have much preferred to take a "less academic" subject, such as Music, as I'd have probably achieved a better grade at the end of the day. Ultimately, the letter you get at the end of Year 11 is what matters most, and if you don't enjoy a subject, you're probably not going to achieve as good a grade as you'd like to in it.

When I was choosing my A-Level subjects, my Maths teacher told me that I was "taking the easy route" by selecting ICT, Business Studies, Media Studies and English. He, too, said that these subjects were "Mickey Mouse subjects", and that they weren't beneficial at all in later life. In his eyes, the only important A-Level subjects for those wanting to do well in life were the Sciences and Maths. I took great offence by what he said, and it's for that reason, I didn't take Maths at A-Level. I'm quite pleased that I have proven that teacher wrong: ICT and Business Studies have helped me massively so far in the workplace.
What's annoying you today? V3
What transferable skills can you getting from studying art in college/university, me and a mate of mine went to the same college and I'd say we were pretty much the same in terms of knowledge and anything else you normally use in an interview but he did art and I did painting and decorating, which sounds better in a job interview a hands on person who has some tradesmen skills or someone who spent two years painting pretty pictures? I know which I think sounds better in an interview for most jobs.

Art seems like a bit of a pointless subject to me, everytime I asked what he was doing and would often get shown a photo on his phone of a drawing, then I'd explain my day which often went like: remove wallpaper, sand wall down and start applying an undercoat to the wall after my break.

By the way despite my decorating certificates I was not really that good, especially at wallpapering.
Marxista Fozzski
RE: What's annoying you today? V3
I suppose Art would be good if you want to be an illustrator or want to work in a court drawing artist impressions of those in the dock...

Suppose it will also be handy if you want to be a tattooist Big Grin
RE: What's annoying you today? V3
I chose graphics and haven't even did anything with it... i also chose IT, and Media... i haven't used any of it!

From IT i went to Childcare, I'm happy with being a nursery nurse, its amazing that i look forward to going to work Tongue, however..the down side is the paper work...
Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.
RE: What's annoying you today? V3
Surely it isn't just about work though?
Appreciate there are long term goals, but to get onto an Apprenticeship or enrol onto a college or 6th form subject, it is about the basics? English, Maths, Science and ICT.

Anything else at GCSE stage, isn't going to make a massive difference to your career prospects. However, if you are good at it and can gain an A-C in Art, over a D-G in Business Studies, maybe it would be the better decision.

Once the GCSE's are completed, THEN you can narrow the field down and specialise in a subject, relevant to your planned career.
Granted someone wanting to progress onto a Business course at Level 3 (A-Level), would have a potential head start, but the syllabus isn't too different at the end of GCSE's, compared to the start of an A-Level.
'Illegitimis non carborundum'
RE: What's annoying you today? V3
The, err, conversation in the ANE thread, is distracting me from revision somewhat!! 

If I fail Biology, I've found something else to pin the blame of 57 reg Enviros on! Wink 
RE: What's annoying you today? V3
That's three jobs I've not got, been told I need experience, for experience I need a job.

Person who got the most recent position I wanted isn't the best at what they do at the moment and has less experience in the role than me who sat in it for 3 weeks during a secondment a few months ago. I'm starting to apply elsewhere now as I'm technically out of a job in November.

Boils my piss it does Sad
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[Image: 0a85ed5b4e97324e338555472f222830.png]
RE: What's annoying you today? V3
(06 May 2015, 5:46 pm)northern156 wrote That's three jobs I've not got, been told I need experience, for experience I need a job.

Person who got the most recent position I wanted isn't the best at what they do at the moment and has less experience in the role than me who sat in it for 3 weeks during a secondment a few months ago. I'm starting to apply elsewhere now as I'm technically out of a job in November.

Boils my piss it does Sad
I'm sure, if you keep at it, you'll get one eventually Smile 

However if not is it possible to get a job in something you don't particularly want to do, to gain the experience, something that may be easier to get into? 
RE: What's annoying you today? V3
(06 May 2015, 5:50 pm)mb134 wrote I'm sure, if you keep at it, you'll get one eventually Smile 

However if not is it possible to get a job in something you don't particularly want to do, to gain the experience, something that may be easier to get into? 

It's just so irritating that I get interviews (or have done for the two positions this past couple of weeks) when someone else is going to get it anyway, which just happened today.

Also been told I need to give more substance in examples I give when asked, kind of easier said than done when I don't know what the questions are!!!

There will be a job coming up soon (roster clerk) but I really don't want to do that. There's a line between doing a job you don't want to do and something you hate, this crosses it.

Come November when it's time for me to hand my pass back in, I'll be applying for bus driving jobs around the place if this bunch don't want to keep me, I'm not being messed around for them - life is too short.
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[Image: 0a85ed5b4e97324e338555472f222830.png]
RE: What's annoying you today? V3
(06 May 2015, 5:57 pm)northern156 wrote It's just so irritating that I get interviews (or have done for the two positions this past couple of weeks) when someone else is going to get it anyway, which just happened today.

Also been told I need to give more substance in examples I give when asked, kind of easier said than done when I don't know what the questions are!!!

There will be a job coming up soon (roster clerk) but I really don't want to do that. There's a line between doing a job you don't want to do and something you hate, this crosses it.

Come November when it's time for me to hand my pass back in, I'll be applying for bus driving jobs around the place if this bunch don't want to keep me, I'm not being messed around for them - life is too short.

Hard to say I understand (as I've not been in that position really, although KFC didn't get back to me when I applied in January Sad ), however it does seem a tad unfair. 

At least if you're getting interviews you've got a chance, they must like something about you. Smile 
RE: What's annoying you today? V3
(06 May 2015, 6:07 pm)mb134 wrote Hard to say I understand (as I've not been in that position really, although KFC didn't get back to me when I applied in January Sad ), however it does seem a tad unfair. 

At least if you're getting interviews you've got a chance, they must like something about you. Smile 

Sorry to hear that. But yeah, for all the prep I had to make so I did a good job for it to be chucked back in my face is what is getting to me the most. I think the interviews may have been made because only three of us applied.

Still, it gives me a bit more experience in interviews but still begs the question what happens next - my pay isn't great at the moment and I need something permanent before my contract expires. I don't want to be forced to have a job that I don't like, I fear that the worst.
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[Image: 0a85ed5b4e97324e338555472f222830.png]
RE: What's annoying you today? V3
(06 May 2015, 6:20 pm)northern156 wrote Sorry to hear that. But yeah, for all the prep I had to make so I did a good job for it to be chucked back in my face is what is getting to me the most. I think the interviews may have been made because only three of us applied.

Still, it gives me a bit more experience in interviews but still begs the question what happens next - my pay isn't great at the moment and I need something permanent before my contract expires. I don't want to be forced to have a job that I don't like, I fear that the worst.

To be honest, it's probably been for the best, it's allowed me to properly prep for exams etc. 

From what I gathered from a careers talk at school, as long as you try, you will get something, and the experience you've gained in these interviews will help you. 

I'm positive that you'll apply for something, nail the interview, and get the job you want to as long as you keep you're head up Smile

Again, not directly related to job hunting, but I've come to learn that you get out exactly what you put in, so good luck Big Grin 
RE: What's annoying you today? V3
(06 May 2015, 6:42 pm)Andreos1 wrote

Just touching on the whole grades thing again.
This makes interesting reading.

Think more companies should take this approach if I'm honest 

I go to an inadequate school, I know for a fact that if some of the kids at my place were actively encouraged to do well, they could. In my opinion, if this country is to have a thriving economy, we need people from schools like mine to make it, to give belief to others.

I went on a school trip to Cambridge a few weeks ago, and everyone from my place went with the same attitude "We're not actually going to go here for university, so it'll be nice to go", this attitude needs to be eradicated. If people want to do something, they should not be limited by their background, school, or any other factor. 

I know it would never happen, but I don't think that private schools should be there. I know that some people get in because of raw talent, and excel, but I disagree completely with the rich sending their kids there just because they have the money to. It's unfair on those who cannot afford it, and gives an immediate uneven playing field. 

Those from disadvantaged backgrounds should be given exactly the same opportunities in life as those who come from wealthy families. 
RE: What's annoying you today? V3
(06 May 2015, 6:55 pm)mb134 wrote Think more companies should take this approach if I'm honest 

I go to an inadequate school, I know for a fact that if some of the kids at my place were actively encouraged to do well, they could. In my opinion, if this country is to have a thriving economy, we need people from schools like mine to make it, to give belief to others.

I went on a school trip to Cambridge a few weeks ago, and everyone from my place went with the same attitude "We're not actually going to go here for university, so it'll be nice to go", this attitude needs to be eradicated. If people want to do something, they should not be limited by their background, school, or any other factor. 

I know it would never happen, but I don't think that private schools should be there. I know that some people get in because of raw talent, and excel, but I disagree completely with the rich sending their kids there just because they have the money to. It's unfair on those who cannot afford it, and gives an immediate uneven playing field. 

Those from disadvantaged backgrounds should be given exactly the same opportunities in life as those who come from wealthy families.

Couldn't agree more.

Whilst hoping this approach doesn't denigrate A-Levels etc., if it opens up more opportunities for people of a working class background, it makes sense to me.
'Illegitimis non carborundum'
RE: What's annoying you today? V3
I've got a build up of wax again in my ears. Have to use Otex to soften it before syringing but it's moved the wax about and now I can barely here at all Sad
Marxista Fozzski
RE: What's annoying you today? V3
(06 May 2015, 5:46 pm)northern156 wrote That's three jobs I've not got, been told I need experience, for experience I need a job.

Person who got the most recent position I wanted isn't the best at what they do at the moment and has less experience in the role than me who sat in it for 3 weeks during a secondment a few months ago. I'm starting to apply elsewhere now as I'm technically out of a job in November.

Boils my piss it does Sad

Do I sense some unhappiness there Sean...Don't think I have heard or seen you swear before Big Grin
Marxista Fozzski
RE: What's annoying you today? V3
(06 May 2015, 6:55 pm)mb134 wrote Think more companies should take this approach if I'm honest 

I go to an inadequate school, I know for a fact that if some of the kids at my place were actively encouraged to do well, they could. In my opinion, if this country is to have a thriving economy, we need people from schools like mine to make it, to give belief to others.

I went on a school trip to Cambridge a few weeks ago, and everyone from my place went with the same attitude "We're not actually going to go here for university, so it'll be nice to go", this attitude needs to be eradicated. If people want to do something, they should not be limited by their background, school, or any other factor. 

I know it would never happen, but I don't think that private schools should be there. I know that some people get in because of raw talent, and excel, but I disagree completely with the rich sending their kids there just because they have the money to. It's unfair on those who cannot afford it, and gives an immediate uneven playing field. 

Those from disadvantaged backgrounds should be given exactly the same opportunities in life as those who come from wealthy families. 

I agree with you about Private Schools, despite going to one when I was a kid, I hate the idea of them, as you say, people send there kids just because they have the money to do it, I got grief for years about my background and I remember having a fight with a kid who took the piss constantly and nearly getting expelled for it Big Grin kids from poorer backgrounds do get a chance at these establishments through scholarships, Dan is proof of that at Sunderland High.

In my case, I should never have gone to Durham Choristers, I was way out my depth, and it was nothing more than snobbery from the family member who funded it, because ultimately the money was wasted, I ended up back in the State system and went from decent grades to failing the entrance test for Sunderland High to getting nothing in my GCSE results
RE: What's annoying you today? V3
Not so much today, but a gradual annoyance built up over the last week.

Bus services in Chester once they start running down.

No integration and what seems like standing around for eternity. Or as witnessed by myself, people hopping between stops, trying to work out where they can go, to change onto another service.

I haven't used buses on a night in Chester for a long time. My experience recently, reminded me why.
This isn't just in one direction either.

21's arrive on their reduced frequency, spitting people off - who presumably have places to be, beyond Front Street.
This often involves a walk or wait, due to the infrequency of the other 4 (34, 28, 78a 50a) remaining services.
Those services seemingly either come all together or leave prior to another service arriving.

Maybe some sort of re-jig would attract more passengers?
It seems a very weak link in the favoured hub and spoke model.

Appreciate DCC funding has long gone and business models adapted as a result, but maybe the business model isn't seeing passenger numbers like it used to?
'Illegitimis non carborundum'
Marxista Fozzski
RE: What's annoying you today? V3
Pissed off today...Took a Drug Test

The test is to check for:-

Opiate Use (Codeine)

I tested positive for Codeine and Methadone and tested Negative for Buprenorphine...

The funny thing is I am not on Methadone, I am on Buprenorphine...The drug test is mad, I test positive for a drug I have never took and test negative for the one I do...

After the test, the nurse then gave me a 5 minute lecture about Methadone, like I was a naughty little schoolboy...

Was quite upset to be honest
RE: What's annoying you today? V3
(07 May 2015, 1:28 pm)MrFozz wrote Pissed off today...Took a Drug Test

The test is to check for:-

Opiate Use (Codeine)

I tested positive for Codeine and Methadone and tested Negative for Buprenorphine...

The funny thing is I am not on Methadone, I am on Buprenorphine...The drug test is mad, I test positive for a drug I have never took and test negative for the one I do...

After the test, the nurse then gave me a 5 minute lecture about Methadone, like I was a naughty little schoolboy...

Was quite upset to be honest

Out of curiosity, were there any stipulations or consequences attached to the drug test you took?
Marxista Fozzski
RE: What's annoying you today? V3
(07 May 2015, 2:34 pm)MurdnunoC wrote Out of curiosity, were there any stipulations or consequences attached to the drug test you took?

What d'ya mean mate

All I know and understand is, I go in, piss in a cup and don't really understand it all...1 expectation put on me was start therapy which I did 2 weeks ago and started to do CBT, although I have done it before, I still find it hard to figure out these days...

Potential consequences would probably be taking me off my current prescription

Not 100% sure to be honest Mr Young
RE: What's annoying you today? V3
(07 May 2015, 3:00 pm)MrFozz wrote What d'ya mean mate

All I know and understand is, I go in, piss in a cup and don't really understand it all...1 expectation put on me was start therapy which I did 2 weeks ago and started to do CBT, although I have done it before, I still find it hard to figure out these days...

Potential consequences would probably be taking me off my current prescription

Not 100% sure to be honest Mr Young

You've probably answered my question to be honest, but what I was trying to get at was would happen if you failed. I've heard stories of people being on licence having to do drug tests and the consequences of failing means they either go back inside or have a suspended sentence...erm...unsuspended (if that is the correct terminology).

I'm assuming that none of the above applies to you, so, to ask and rephrase my initial question, what implications (either positive or negative) does doing a drug-test have on you personally? If you fail, are there any enforcable punitive consequences?

As I've said, I suspect you've already answered. 
RE: What's annoying you today? V3
(07 May 2015, 8:19 am)MrFozz wrote Do I sense some unhappiness there Sean...Don't think I have heard or seen you swear before Big Grin

You should hear me every day, usually muttering curse words to myself at work!!

I'm polite to people such as yourself Big Grin
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[Image: 0a85ed5b4e97324e338555472f222830.png]
What's annoying you today? V3
Tried to get some Coast and Country photos at Penshaw Monument but things just went totally wrong, times sun etc.

Also I have been stood over 20 minutes waiting for the 2/2A/78 to Sunderland

Many of my ambitious photos have gone wrong as well.

EDIT: 2A has finally arrived.