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Who will win the Premier League

Poll: Who will win the Premier League

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Man Utd 1 (9.09%)
Man City 1 (9.09%)
Chelsea 4 (36.36%)
Arsenal 1 (9.09%)
Liverpool 0 (0%)
Tottenham 0 (0%)
Everton 0 (0%)
Newcastle 0 (0%)
Sunderland 4 (36.36%)
Other 0 (0%)
* You voted for this item. Total: 11 vote(s) (100%)

Who will win the Premier League

Marxista Fozzski
Who will win the Premier League
Who win the Premier League this season, will Jose bring that magic back to the Bridge or Pellegrini at the Etihad, how about David Moyes, will Arsene Wenger end his trophy drought or Tottenham in 2014AB or can Brendan Rogers bring some glory to Anfield

AB=After Bale
RE: Who will win the Premier League
So which one of you is Deluded and which is Deludeder?

There's as much chance of Sunderland winning the Premier League as there is of David Cameron moving to Pennywell.

I would have said Man City after they hammered us, then Cardiff came along.
Not sure if the players (however talented) have the correct attitudes.

Can't see Man Utd doing it. They're a good team and have the correct attitudes, but I think the Alex Ferguson factor made them better than they actually are.

Chelsea have a great gaffer, but is this going to be a season of consolidation and foundation building?

Tottenham have started off well, but it would be a big ask to bridge the massive gap of the last few seasons. This stands for Liverpool too.

Arsenal will be there or there abouts. As with Ferguson, I think a lot of their success is down to Wenger.
He hasn't strengthened the team enough and will finish behind Spurs.

Still don't know.
Will put my bet on Man City.
Site Administrator
RE: Who will win the Premier League
(30 Aug 2013, 7:06 pm)Andreos1 wrote There's as much chance of Sunderland winning the Premier League as there is of David Cameron moving to Pennywell.

He wouldn't last two minutes there... The man knows to stay off Labour territory! :p
Marxista Fozzski
RE: Who will win the Premier League
Could you imagine it...

David Cameron to feature in a new episode of Wife Swap: The Charver Edition...

David Cameron comes to Pennywell for the show Wife Swap moving in with a young mother and her daughters Chardonnay and Bellabrusco whose money is mostly spent on Mackem Dummies from Greggs and tabs from the local tab house and of course bottlea of White Lightning
RE: Who will win the Premier League
(30 Aug 2013, 7:06 pm)Andreos1 wrote There's as much chance of Sunderland winning the Premier League as there is of David Cameron moving to Pennywell.

Wonder what his opinion would be of GNEs 39? Although, he'd want the 8 then X1 to get to the nearest Waitrose Tongue