RE: Go North East: Latest News & Discussion - September 2015
(02 Sep 2015, 3:33 pm)DanPicken wrote There's no need to be cocky... It was operated by GCT with the Gelards(?) Trident and the driver got lost a few times as Nexus gave him a route which was marked out wrong so I got off at the stop round the corner which is closer for me and don't blame me for Vosa making a mistake and my scholars has always changed the second week.
Not being cocky at all. Despite me telling you otherwise, you refused to believe that Go North East wouldn't be operating your scholars service this week and were adamant that Go North East had made a mistake.
You shouldn't assume (remember citaro5284's favourite saying

), and you should listen to people in future, especially if they've gone out of their way to give you information. 'Tis polite, if nothing else.
(02 Sep 2015, 11:39 am)S813 FVK wrote Rather glad that there is a new decker (3874) at Stanley for me to ride on. Gets boring having the same ones over and over again. Of course, when i say new, i don't mean that as i had ridden it before when it was based at Stanley before transferring out.
You won't be saying that when another Volvo Olympian bites the dust as a result of this transfer!
(02 Sep 2015, 12:48 pm)S813 FVK wrote Wonder how long it had been up on the website 
Less than two minutes... haha. Swear Michael has some sort of alert to make him aware that the content on that section of the website has been changed!