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Marxista Fozzski
RE: Anything and Everything
(22 Oct 2015, 2:56 pm)GX03 SVC wrote Social services (DCT or whatever) have ended their involvement with me and have transferred me onto a database for the unlikely event of me needing help when I'm older.

Are you competely off Social Services' Caseload now and are there any contingencies in place for you and your family(more than your name in some database) should you need help...

I would haye to think your completely cut off from them if needed mate
RE: Anything and Everything
(23 Oct 2015, 12:50 pm)MrFozz wrote Are you competely off Social Services' Caseload now and are there any contingencies in place for you and your family(more than your name in some database) should you need help...

I would haye to think your completely cut off from them if needed mate

Sure am. My brother, as he has a learning disability still has a social worker though. I'm led to believe that if I need help, it'll be through 'adult' SS, but if its in the next year or two I'll be back onto the DCT or whatever.
Marxista Fozzski
RE: Anything and Everything
(23 Oct 2015, 3:24 pm)GX03 SVC wrote Sure am. My brother, as he has a learning disability still has a social worker though. I'm led to believe that if I need help, it'll be through 'adult' SS, but if its in the next year or two I'll be back onto the DCT or whatever.

What is DCT mate???

At least you do have indirect links to Social Services(through your brother)...

I hope you dont need to personally get re-involved with them again, and I hope this provides a boost for you to soldier on without there future intervention...

I have been in situations where my case was closed by Social Services at least twice and both times ended up back on there case list, until I evemtually went into Care on a permanant basis in 1997 for 4 years...
RE: Anything and Everything
(23 Oct 2015, 12:50 pm)MrFozz wrote Are you competely off Social Services' Caseload now and are there any contingencies in place for you and your family(more than your name in some database) should you need help...

I would haye to think your completely cut off from them if needed mate

I don't have them involved with my two at all. Never have.

They have to be for respite, but I don't actually have enough trust in the system for that. Too many conversations with people who Miss The Point.
Marxista Fozzski
RE: Anything and Everything
(24 Oct 2015, 10:52 pm)BusLoverMum wrote I don't have them involved with my two at all. Never have.

They have to be for respite, but I don't actually have enough trust in the system for that. Too many conversations with people who Miss The Point.

I know where your coming from, I was involved with them for years, I only really trusted 2 of them, my social worker and her manager, I was moved about 13 times between 1996 and 2001, w/11 being between March 96 and July 97, I was lucky that I got a settled placement in the end.

I used to be part of a Youth Organisation who worked with people in care, who had been in care and there families, I went from being a Group Member at 14, to Youngest Management Committe member 3 months after my 18th birthday, I was unofficially on the committee from 17, I left for a year or 2 when I was 21/22, went back at 24 and was elected the youngest ever officer on the Organisations Board of Trustees as Vice-Chair which I held till 2010 when we closed down through loss of funding.

Today I would have been fighting for us to become an outreach service or intervention service, keeping our work up with kids in care, but including the kind of work Tommy recieved or the kinda stuff BusLoverMentions. We were good in that we werw independent of Social Sercices and it devastated me the day we closed our doors, as there was still a place for us in the community
RE: Anything and Everything
It was the funeral of Jacob Jenkins today, the little boy who died after chocking on a grape.

Rest In Peace =(
Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.
RE: Anything and Everything
(28 Oct 2015, 11:23 am)MrFozz wrote I know where your coming from, I was involved with them for years, I only really trusted 2 of them, my social worker and her manager, I was moved about 13 times between 1996 and 2001, w/11 being between March 96 and July 97, I was lucky that I got a settled placement in the end.

I used to be part of a Youth Organisation who worked with people in care, who had been in care and there families, I went from being a Group Member at 14, to Youngest Management Committe member 3 months after my 18th birthday, I was unofficially on the committee from 17, I left for a year or 2 when I was 21/22, went back at 24 and was elected the youngest ever officer on the Organisations Board of Trustees as Vice-Chair which I held till 2010 when we closed down through loss of funding.

Today I would have been fighting for us to become an outreach service or intervention service, keeping our work up with kids in care, but including the kind of work Tommy recieved or the kinda stuff BusLoverMentions. We were good in that we werw independent of Social Sercices and it devastated me the day we closed our doors, as there was still a place for us in the community

Sadly, you weren't the only organisation of its kind that had the plug pulled, at the time. Publicly funded services are stretched to snapping point, smaller, more local organisations have been left to flounder and the only people who seem to be getting any funding as part of this so-called "big society" are large, bloated charities who say all the right things.
Marxista Fozzski
RE: Anything and Everything
(28 Oct 2015, 7:59 pm)BusLoverMum wrote Sadly, you weren't the only organisation of its kind that had the plug pulled, at the time. Publicly funded services are stretched to snapping point, smaller, more local organisations have been left to flounder and the only people who seem to be getting any funding as part of this so-called "big society" are large, bloated charities who say all the right things.
And after watching the news recently it makes effing sick that organisations like Kids Company were being extravegantly funded to the tune of millions of £'s and seemed to use emotional blackmail to get there money, that makes me sick knowing organisations like the one I was with went to make way for Kids Company to get there funding
RE: Anything and Everything
Been bugging me for a while... Why do certain Streetdecks (e.g. the GNE demonstrator) have different body works to others (e.g. the First Bristol Streetdecks on services 70/71, which look more like the Gemini 3 body work)?
RE: Anything and Everything
(31 Oct 2015, 10:45 pm)Simmy wrote Been bugging me for a while... Why do certain Streetdecks (e.g. the GNE demonstrator) have different body works to others (e.g. the First Bristol Streetdecks on services 70/71, which look more like the Gemini 3 body work)?

I am very puzzled as well, been on the Bristol ones actually, know what you mean, would like to know.
RE: Anything and Everything
Why and how does David Attenborough always makes animal programs more interesting?

Don't get me wrong i love animal programs anyways but he always makes them more interesting.....
Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.
RE: Anything and Everything
(02 Nov 2015, 1:01 pm)Michael wrote Why and how does David Attenborough always makes animal programs more interesting?

Don't get me wrong i love animal programs anyways but he always makes them more interesting.....

He isn't in any of these places...

He flies in, says "I'm at the Amazon looking for the sacred Ford Mondeofish", then flies back to the UK and does voice overs to existing footage.   Wink
RE: Anything and Everything
(02 Nov 2015, 1:38 pm)GX03 SVC wrote He isn't in any of these places...

He flies in, says "I'm at the Amazon looking for the sacred Ford Mondeofish", then flies back to the UK and does voice overs to existing footage. 

Never! really? 

He does go to locations sometimes though but rarely now as hes 89.

Not sure if its his voice which makes it more interesting or hes just to good?
Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.
RE: Anything and Everything
You know the shops in your town centre are bad when people are excited about Poundworld opening.

That said, we have the best Greggs in the country!
RE: Anything and Everything
(02 Nov 2015, 1:38 pm)GX03 SVC wrote He isn't in any of these places...

He flies in, says "I'm at the Amazon looking for the sacred Ford Mondeofish", then flies back to the UK and does voice overs to existing footage.   Wink

Those tortoises don't look like they live in Jesmond Dene Pets Corner like Wink
RE: Anything and Everything
Took my phone to the Samsung shop in Newcastle after uni (only there for an hour).......... go to go all the way back to Newcastle to pick it back up at 4pm.....
Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.
RE: Anything and Everything
(03 Nov 2015, 2:18 pm)Michael wrote Nick Grimshaw has come out as gay.

Good on him although i didn't expect it.

He has just came out now?!

I thought he must have been out for years!
Even my 'gaydar' picked that one up and it's as effective as a second world war prototype.

Seriously though, I don't get why someone coming out is news. Not just Grimmy, but when others have too.
RE: Anything and Everything
(03 Nov 2015, 2:42 pm)Andreos1 wrote He has just came out now?!

I thought he must have been out for years!
Even my 'gaydar' picked that one up and it's as effective as a second world war prototype.

Seriously though, I don't get why someone coming out is news. Not just Grimmy, but when others have too.
I always thought he was as well.

Get what you mean about it being headline news though, surely there is more important things to talk about than who has come out. Don't get me wrong I think it is good that people like Grimmy are coming out but I am not really interested in what sexual orientation famous people are.
RE: Anything and Everything
(03 Nov 2015, 4:16 pm)LeeCalder wrote Yeah, my gaydar picked that one up about two years ago!

My Gaydar has picked up someone on this forum... maybe they'll come out.
Against the Anti-Lee Club.