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Bus Related Outings and Reviews

Bus Related Outings and Reviews

RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
(05 Jan 2016, 9:20 pm)GX03 SVC wrote Err no, I've seen them harassing enthusiasts (or someone merely taking photos) and other vulnerable people before. Then they claim that the victim has called their mother a sl**. 

A few people approached me after the incident at Alnwick and said that many more people had been harassed in the Alnwick area over the last couple of months...

Ah, so they're all siblings. 

If you're getting harassed, call 101, they'll sort it out...
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
(05 Jan 2016, 9:20 pm)GX03 SVC wrote Err no, I've seen them harassing enthusiasts (or someone merely taking photos) and other vulnerable people before. Then they claim that the victim has called their mother a sl**. 

A few people approached me after the incident at Alnwick and said that many more people had been harassed in the Alnwick area over the last couple of months...

The only issue I have ever seen in Alnwick bus station, was the school kids at kicking out time.
The place decended into chaos for the time I was there.
A few older blokes seemed to be chatting to some lasses in school uniform.

Apart from that, nowt.
'Illegitimis non carborundum'
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
(05 Jan 2016, 7:22 pm)Jimmi wrote Tomorrow I will be venturing up to Sunderland, unsure as to where else I will end up. Hoping that there will be a Drifter StreetLite out on the 700 again.

On Saturday I will be making my first trip up to Alnwick.

That plan got binned when I woke up at around 07:00 this morning and felt half dead and the bathroom was freezing, so I made the decision to go back to bed and only woke up around 15 minutes ago, although it was nice to get a decent sleep as I've been struggling to get toa decent nights sleep recently, last night I had the temptation to view my phone once I went to bed, also most nights for a while now I've been waking up usually between 3-4am. Aiming to do Sunderland sometime night week now.
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
(05 Jan 2016, 9:06 pm)Jimmi wrote Well I'm screwed as I fall into both of those categories, what action could they potentially take?

I should be heading up there with another enthusiast.

Big'un would say that this is where having your mum, complete with resting bitch face, as a minder, is useful Wink
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
Today, I made yet another "kill time" outing.

I had intentions of catching a MAX-spec ex-Arriva London North Volvo B7TL/Wright Eclipse Gemini for quite a while, as they will become the allocation for service 35 for a short while. 

I left the house and walked up to my nearest 35 stop, Hirst Park. I saw a MAX-spec Volvo B7TL/Wright Eclipse Gemini approaching, this was 7415 was had entered service that morning. 

1220 #35A - Hirst Park to Morpeth Bus Station - Arriva Northumbria 7415
I was delighted that this vehicle had arrived. First impression were that the exterior looked smart, but inside was a different story. I sat upstairs at the front, not a lot of legroom. Then I saw a very bad repaint to the windowsill. See the latest Arriva thread for more. The seats were rock solid and had damage visible to the eye. The bus looked clean at a quick glance, but then I realised dirt everywhere I looked. The black flooring was worn down too. The handrails were painted in a tacky silver paint, badly, so all the grooves in the handrail were visible. The people sat on the other seats said that the bus was an old heap, and the green buses [the StreetLites] were much nicer. I then felt water dripping onto me, and other passengers were heard discussing that too. The entire of the ceiling had water dripping, more so towards the middle. The vehicle was very underpowered, and felt badly maintained. When alighting, I noticed the downstairs had flooded, with a large amount of water splashing up and down the lower deck. Nice, eh? Completely lost the "new bus" perception that enthusiasts think that passengers think. 

1245 #2 - Morpeth Bus Station to Morpeth Railway Station - Arriva Northumbria 7458
To keep with the theme of ex-London vehicles, I boarded this instead of walking. I only had 4 minutes until the train departed, but I had an iPad for entertainment. 7458 was never refurbished when transferred to Northumbria, so the original 2002 (aquamarine, white and yellow) spec seats were still here. It will be a shame when these leave the fleet. This is the only T-FGN example left, so it'll probably be my first and last ride on it. A short while later, I arrived at the railway station. 

I had heard the squeals of the Pacer going around the Morpeth Curve, so I then decided to go to the Sainsbury's Local nearby to get some drinks.

1409 2A13 - Morpeth [MPT] to Newcastle [NCL] - Northern Rail 142089
So, I stood ready for the train at 1345. It arrived on time heading for the Barmoor sidings. The through Virgin Trains East Coast service whizzed through, on time, at 1345. But no trains passed through that would have be delayed by 2A13... Twenty minutes later, 142089 emerged from the sidings. I boarded and sat in the rear carriage, towards the cab. As I was expecting the fare to be high I had a £20 note, I asked for a Child Return to Newcastle and presented my £20 and the female conductor tutted, and then when she said the fare was £3.35, I got the £5 note out. Even then she failed to find sufficient change without me having to hold my hand out and for her to drop coins into it. 10p after 10p, she then dug into her pockets and drops a 5p into my hand, then into her other pocket and then a £1. I would still be there if I didn't have the £5 note.  Big Grin  

The ride was as bouncy and squealy as ever, of course, resident Pacer Chaser Lee Calder would disagree with my comment that Pacers are the worst heaps of crap ever built... 

To my surprise - four members of staff were manning the train instead of the usual two. Did someone forget about the engineering works...?! 

I spent a couple of hours at Central, I saw 91128. Which my brother reports he also saw on the way to the Life centre with his workers. I took a few photos and then went to Costa for a hot chocolate. 

1617 2A26 - Newcastle [NCL] to Morpeth [MPT] - Northern Rail 142019
142019 was my ride back to Morpeth. Information flyers about the major disruption on the Tyne Valley were on the seats, and everyone on board were reading them. It was dark so there wasn't much to look at, so I sat and played on the iPad. 

On arrival at Morpeth, I walked down to the bus station where I saw 1580 depart on a short North Seaton 35 working. I let 1579 go as I was tucking into a portion of chips. 

I saw an Ashington-Morpeth driver on the X15, who got off and had a friendly chat to me, before he headed to Alnwick, where an Ashington-Alnwick driver would take over for the last leg to Berwick.

1712 #35A - Morpeth Bus Station to Ashington Bus Station - Arriva Northumbria 7485
I boarded yet another ex-London vehicle, I was welcomed aboard by the driver who asked where I had been today. 7485 is fitted with WiFi and high-back 2010 (blue squares) spec seating, from its days as a X93 summer extra vehicle. Back in them days, it was thought that these would be MAX'd, then "mini-MAX"'d, but there is no nickname for a bog standard Arriva bus with WiFi!!
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
I was planning to travel to Consett on Saturday and walk over the moors to Stanhope. However a mixture of bad weather and family commitments meant I had to change my plans. I was free in the afternoon so decided to take a little unplanned trip out.

My first bus of the day was from Eldon Square to Newcastle Airport. This was Stagecoach MAN 22037, a Slatyford based vehicle working the 12.25 X78. This was a well used service, with most people going to Ponteland. The journey took just over 15 minutes and was a good trash through the rainsoaked suburbs of Newcastle. The windows were all misted up and everyone seemed to have the New Year blues.

I alighted opposite the main entrance to the airport and headed to the terminal building. Here I was able to spot vehicles owned by Newcastle Park & Fly Limited. Doing the rounds were two new Vauxhall Movanos which have been fitted with extra space for luggage, carrying 8 passengers. Also present were a couple of the company’s MANs, BUS3 and BUS4. BUS4 (MX59KUE) has Plaxton bodywork and looked smart in the airport’s purple branding. Also present here was a new Mercedes minicoach belonging to Green Mountain Travel, YN65AXE. As with all Green Mountain vehicles, the standard of presentation was very high.

I did not stay too long at the airport, after a brief exploration of the car parks in search of more buses I decided to catch the 13.19 Nexus service 353. This secured service is contracted to GNE and was operated by Riverside’s Solo 637. Unlike my previous journey, this bus was virtually empty. In addition to myself, there were two old ladies going shopping at Kingston Park. It was a good ride though and we soon arrived in Kingston Park as the weather improved.

At Kingston Park I set off in search of the depot of IMS Medical. This private ambulance company had it’s garage listed as being on the Airport Industrial Estate. I was hoping to get some photos of their 8-seat Volkswagen Transporters which are used for patient transport duties. Unfortunately when I found their garage unit it appeared to be disused. Undeterred, I walked to the shops and waited for the X47 back into the City Centre.

This soon arrived in the shape of Alexander Dennis bodied MAN 22413, another Slatyford based bus. This service was busy and despite being an X picked up passengers at virtually every stop. The bus was more than two thirds full when we left Cowgate and hit the motorway section. This was a good bit of haulage back into town. I noticed as we emerged from the bypass near Northumbria University that their Dart was parked up outside the West campus building. I decided to see if I could get some photos of this bus which I previously thought had been disposed of.

At John Dobson Street I got off the X47 and after a brisk few minutes walk over the motorway bridge I arrived at the campus. On the way I passed the remains of former nightclub IKON which has now mainly been demolished. My partner says she had some of her best nights out there and is gutted that it has gone. Personally I thought it was overpriced and full of loud-mouthed chavs. At the campus I quickly located the service yard and had no problems getting some photos of the Dart which has now been re-registered back to SK07HMO. I then walked over the newish footbridge which links the West campus to the main campus area. Here I checked out the service yard behind Ellison Place where the university parks it’s vans and Ford Transit minibuses, only vans were present on this visit though.

I’d heard there were rail replacement buses working out of Newcastle Central Station. So after getting some shopping in town, decided to have a walk down there. The Central Station was an absolute goldmine. There were vehicles present from Tyne Valley Coaches, Durham City Coaches, Thirwells, Garfield and Gardners NMC to name just a few. The scene was very busy with coaches coming and going every few minutes. I was able to get some brilliant photos despite the location being organised chaos with bewildered passengers seeking their correct bus. Also present nearby were 3 of GNE’s Tridents which are adapted for the DFDS working. I was able to get cracking photos of these.

I stayed in the Central Station area until 4 o’clock when the lack of light made taking photos more difficult. I’d read in the latest Notices and Proceedings that Parkers Executive Chauffeurs Limited are upgrading from a restricted to a standard international O-Licence. This company has it’s operating centre at the Copthorne Hotel. I therefore took a short walk down to the Quayside past the Centre for Life. Parked on the Copthorne forecourt was a new Mercedes Sprinter LL15UVT which has an all-over silver livery with blacked out windows. It was dark now so I could not get any decent photos of this smart vehicle.

I then walked past what used to be my favourite nightclub, the Cooperage. I used to love going and had so many great nights out there. My partner hated the place; she thought it was boring and full of old men. My final bus of the day was GNE Versa 8337 working the 16.27 Q2. I caught this next to the Guildhall on the Quayside. The Quayside was coming alive with people starting their nights out when I reached the Guildhall. The view of the illuminated Millennium Bridge and the Sage from the Swing Bridge was most impressive. The service was quiet until reaching Gateshead. It filled up here after a noisy thrash up the bank and was busy all the way to Low Fell. From here I made my way to my dad’s house buying him pie and chips on the way.

It was a good afternoon’s outing given that I had no set idea where I wanted to go. I went to the Central Station again yesterday lunch time and got some more cracking photos. I’m going to try again next weekend, I believe the rail replacement coaches will be running again then.

Hope you enjoyed the review.

Bus Related Outings and Reviews
Don't feel up to writing a detailed review like usual, so here is a log of the journeys I made on Saturday.

0705 7 Newton Aycliffe - Durham Bus Station (ANE 7535)
0750 X12 Durham Bus Station - Newcastle Eldon Square (ANE 1441)
0933 X15 Newcastle Haymarket Bus Station - Alnwick Bus Station (ANE 7515)
1228 X20 Alnwick Bus Station - Ashington Bus Station (ANE 7475)
1404 57 Ashington Bus Station - Cramlington, Dudley Lane Shops (ANE 1761)
1450 43 Cramlington, Dudley Lane Shops - Morpeth Bus Station (ANE 4522)
1536 X14 Morpeth Bus Station - Newcastle Haymarket Bus Station (ANE 7512)
1620 X12 Newcastle Eldon Square - Durham Bus Station (ANE 7627)
1722 7 Durham Bus Station - Newton Aycliffe (ANE 7536)

You may remember many months ago Alex Garwood asked if I would meet up with him, I finally decided as we both wanted to head up to Alnwick, we might as well both head up there. Was quite a decent outing and it did make a nice change having someone to talk to on one of my outings especially as I haven't seen many enthusiasts about recently, although I did see Dan in Gateshead the day before and have spotted Kuyoyo on numerous occasions recently, guess where?

My next outing is likely to be on Friday, but I am unsure whether to head to Sunderland like I originally planned to do last week or head to Hexham. On Saturday I am looking to snap rail replacement services in Darlington and/or Durham. Next Monday I will be venturing to Middlesbrough to snap the new Croft Coach Travel service 30, unsure as to where else I will end up yet, we'll see on the day. I am looking to do something with the Transdev Harrogate & District service 36 which is due to receive new StreetDeck's in the upcoming weeks, looking into the possibility of doing Ripon, Harrogate and Leeds in one day although that will come down to time and costs for the day.
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
(11 Jan 2016, 4:09 pm)Jimmi wrote My next outing is likely to be on Friday, but I am unsure whether to head to Sunderland like I originally planned to do last week or head to Hexham. On Saturday I am looking to snap rail replacement services in Darlington and/or Durham. Next Monday I will be venturing to Middlesbrough to snap the new Croft Coach Travel service 30, unsure as to where else I will end up yet, we'll see on the day. I am looking to do something with the Transdev Harrogate & District service 36 which is due to receive new StreetDeck's in the upcoming weeks, looking into the possibility of doing Ripon, Harrogate and Leeds in one day although that will come down to time and costs for the day.

Just a point - the new deckers for the 36 are B5TLs not Streetdecks.
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
(11 Jan 2016, 4:09 pm)Jimmi wrote Don't feel up to writing a detailed review like usual, so here is a log of the journeys I made on Saturday.

0705 7 Newton Aycliffe - Durham Bus Station (ANE 7535)
0750 X12 Durham Bus Station - Newcastle Eldon Square (ANE 1441)
0933 X15 Newcastle Haymarket Bus Station - Alnwick Bus Station (ANE 7515)
1228 X20 Alnwick Bus Station - Ashington Bus Station (ANE 7475)
1404 57 Ashington Bus Station - Cramlington, Dudley Lane Shops (ANE 1761)
1450 43 Cramlington, Dudley Lane Shops - Morpeth Bus Station (ANE 4522)
1536 X14 Morpeth Bus Station - Newcastle Haymarket Bus Station (ANE 7512)
1620 X12 Newcastle Eldon Square - Durham Bus Station (ANE 7627)
1722 7 Durham Bus Station - Newton Aycliffe (ANE 7536)

You may remember many months ago Alex Garwood asked if I would meet up with him, I finally decided as we both wanted to head up to Alnwick, we might as well both head up there. Was quite a decent outing and it did make a nice change having someone to talk to on one of my outings especially as I haven't seen many enthusiasts about recently, although I did see Dan in Gateshead the day before and have spotted Kuyoyo on numerous occasions recently, guess where?

My next outing is likely to be on Friday, but I am unsure whether to head to Sunderland like I originally planned to do last week or head to Hexham. On Saturday I am looking to snap rail replacement services in Darlington and/or Durham. Next Monday I will be venturing to Middlesbrough to snap the new Croft Coach Travel service 30, unsure as to where else I will end up yet, we'll see on the day. I am looking to do something with the Transdev Harrogate & District service 36 which is due to receive new StreetDeck's in the upcoming weeks, looking into the possibility of doing Ripon, Harrogate and Leeds in one day although that will come down to time and costs for the day.

It was causing a stir in Boro today.
People seeing the £1 offer, but being unable to work out where it went to/from due to the lack of a front working blind.
'Illegitimis non carborundum'
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
(11 Jan 2016, 1:36 pm)Charles41 wrote I was planning to travel to Consett on Saturday and walk over the moors to Stanhope. However a mixture of bad weather and family commitments meant I had to change my plans. I was free in the afternoon so decided to take a little unplanned trip out.

My first bus of the day was from Eldon Square to Newcastle Airport. This was Stagecoach MAN 22037, a Slatyford based vehicle working the 12.25 X78. This was a well used service, with most people going to Ponteland. The journey took just over 15 minutes and was a good trash through the rainsoaked suburbs of Newcastle. The windows were all misted up and everyone seemed to have the New Year blues.

I alighted opposite the main entrance to the airport and headed to the terminal building. Here I was able to spot vehicles owned by Newcastle Park & Fly Limited. Doing the rounds were two new Vauxhall Movanos which have been fitted with extra space for luggage, carrying 8 passengers. Also present were a couple of the company’s MANs, BUS3 and BUS4. BUS4 (MX59KUE) has Plaxton bodywork and looked smart in the airport’s purple branding. Also present here was a new Mercedes minicoach belonging to Green Mountain Travel, YN65AXE. As with all Green Mountain vehicles, the standard of presentation was very high.

I did not stay too long at the airport, after a brief exploration of the car parks in search of more buses I decided to catch the 13.19 Nexus service 353. This secured service is contracted to GNE and was operated by Riverside’s Solo 637. Unlike my previous journey, this bus was virtually empty. In addition to myself, there were two old ladies going shopping at Kingston Park. It was a good ride though and we soon arrived in Kingston Park as the weather improved.

At Kingston Park I set off in search of the depot of IMS Medical. This private ambulance company had it’s garage listed as being on the Airport Industrial Estate. I was hoping to get some photos of their 8-seat Volkswagen Transporters which are used for patient transport duties. Unfortunately when I found their garage unit it appeared to be disused. Undeterred, I walked to the shops and waited for the X47 back into the City Centre.

This soon arrived in the shape of Alexander Dennis bodied MAN 22413, another Slatyford based bus. This service was busy and despite being an X picked up passengers at virtually every stop. The bus was more than two thirds full when we left Cowgate and hit the motorway section. This was a good bit of haulage back into town. I noticed as we emerged from the bypass near Northumbria University that their Dart was parked up outside the West campus building. I decided to see if I could get some photos of this bus which I previously thought had been disposed of.

At John Dobson Street I got off the X47 and after a brisk few minutes walk over the motorway bridge I arrived at the campus. On the way I passed the remains of former nightclub IKON which has now mainly been demolished. My partner says she had some of her best nights out there and is gutted that it has gone. Personally I thought it was overpriced and full of loud-mouthed chavs. At the campus I quickly located the service yard and had no problems getting some photos of the Dart which has now been re-registered back to SK07HMO. I then walked over the newish footbridge which links the West campus to the main campus area. Here I checked out the service yard behind Ellison Place where the university parks it’s vans and Ford Transit minibuses, only vans were present on this visit though.

I’d heard there were rail replacement buses working out of Newcastle Central Station. So after getting some shopping in town, decided to have a walk down there. The Central Station was an absolute goldmine. There were vehicles present from Tyne Valley Coaches, Durham City Coaches, Thirwells, Garfield and Gardners NMC to name just a few. The scene was very busy with coaches coming and going every few minutes. I was able to get some brilliant photos despite the location being organised chaos with bewildered passengers seeking their correct bus. Also present nearby were 3 of GNE’s Tridents which are adapted for the DFDS working. I was able to get cracking photos of these.

I stayed in the Central Station area until 4 o’clock when the lack of light made taking photos more difficult. I’d read in the latest Notices and Proceedings that Parkers Executive Chauffeurs Limited are upgrading from a restricted to a standard international O-Licence. This company has it’s operating centre at the Copthorne Hotel. I therefore took a short walk down to the Quayside past the Centre for Life. Parked on the Copthorne forecourt was a new Mercedes Sprinter LL15UVT which has an all-over silver livery with blacked out windows. It was dark now so I could not get any decent photos of this smart vehicle.

I then walked past what used to be my favourite nightclub, the Cooperage. I used to love going and had so many great nights out there. My partner hated the place; she thought it was boring and full of old men. My final bus of the day was GNE Versa 8337 working the 16.27 Q2. I caught this next to the Guildhall on the Quayside. The Quayside was coming alive with people starting their nights out when I reached the Guildhall. The view of the illuminated Millennium Bridge and the Sage from the Swing Bridge was most impressive. The service was quiet until reaching Gateshead. It filled up here after a noisy thrash up the bank and was busy all the way to Low Fell. From here I made my way to my dad’s house buying him pie and chips on the way.

It was a good afternoon’s outing given that I had no set idea where I wanted to go. I went to the Central Station again yesterday lunch time and got some more cracking photos. I’m going to try again next weekend, I believe the rail replacement coaches will be running again then.

Hope you enjoyed the review.


Fond memories of the Cooperage and that scrumpy they sold. A pint or two of that followed by a stagger down to the red house to nurse a half of something (and get a seat - though the floor at the Cooperage was sticky enough to hold you upright).

We are of course talking about the late 80s, before there was really anything else on the Quayside. I think IKON might have been the Studio, at the time. not a fan, but student night was cheap to get in.
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
My next outing is likely to be on Friday, but I am unsure whether to head to Sunderland like I originally planned to do last week or head to Hexham. On Saturday I am looking to snap rail replacement services in Darlington and/or Durham. Next Monday I will be venturing to Middlesbrough to snap the new Croft Coach Travel service 30, unsure as to where else I will end up yet, we'll see on the day. I am looking to do something with the Transdev Harrogate & District service 36 which is due to receive new StreetDeck's in the upcoming weeks, looking into the possibility of doing Ripon, Harrogate and Leeds in one day although that will come down to time and costs for the day.

An idea for Hexham:
7 7.05 Newton Aycliffe
7.47 Durham
15 8.00 Durham
8.40 Consett
V6 8.49 Consett
9.12 Consett
689 9.45 Consett
10:44 Hexham
682 10:50 Hexham
11:00 Acomb Garage
680 11:17 Acomb Garage
12:54 Return to Hexham via Bellingham
74 13:05 Hexham
14:29 Eldon Square
74 Will be late
X7 14:52 Haymarket
15:22 Seaton Delavel
57A 15:27 Seaton Delavel
15:37 West Monkseaton Metro
Metro 15:48 West Monkseaton
15:58 North Shields
9 16:20 North Shields
17:19 Park Lane
Metro 17:33 Park Lane
17:35 Sunderland Station
TRN 17:52 Sunderland
18:52 Middlesborough
19:25 Middlesborough
20:12 Darlington Tubwell Row

Yes, it is long but it incorporates Hexham, Sunderland and Middlesborough Smile
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
(11 Jan 2016, 10:00 pm)NK53 TKT wrote An idea for Hexham:
7 7.05 Newton Aycliffe
7.47 Durham
15 8.00 Durham
8.40 Consett
V6 8.49 Consett
9.12 Consett
689 9.45 Consett
10:44 Hexham
682 10:50 Hexham
11:00 Acomb Garage
680 11:17 Acomb Garage
12:54 Return to Hexham via Bellingham
74 13:05 Hexham
14:29 Eldon Square
74 Will be late
X7 14:52 Haymarket
15:22 Seaton Delavel
57A 15:27 Seaton Delavel
15:37 West Monkseaton Metro
Metro 15:48 West Monkseaton
15:58 North Shields
9 16:20 North Shields
17:19 Park Lane
Metro 17:33 Park Lane
17:35 Sunderland Station
TRN 17:52 Sunderland
18:52 Middlesborough
19:25 Middlesborough
20:12 Darlington Tubwell Row

Yes, it is long but it incorporates Hexham, Sunderland and Middlesborough Smile

That's quite long and I don't think I'd want to spend that long in Acomb. Would probably be better to do Sunderland and Hexham in two different days although it could be done in one if I was to plan it right. Don't know yet, we'll see what I come up with closer to the time.

If I wanted to see what's in Tyne Valley Coaches depot, I would get myself along to this:

Includes trips to the depots of Coopers Tourmaster, Henry Cooper, Primrose Coaches and Tyne Valley Coaches, plus rides on some members of their fleets (not Coopers Tourmaster). £15 - Saturday 30th January.
(11 Jan 2016, 8:59 pm)Kuyoyo wrote Just a point - the new deckers for the 36 are B5TLs not Streetdecks.
Oh dammit! I'm not the best with bus types etc.
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
(11 Jan 2016, 10:15 pm)Jimmi wrote That's quite long and I don't think I'd want to spend that long in Acomb. Would probably be better to do Sunderland and Hexham in two different days although it could be done in one if I was to plan it right. Don't know yet, we'll see what I come up with closer to the time.

If I wanted to see what's in Tyne Valley Coaches depot, I would get myself along to this:

Includes trips to the depots of Coopers Tourmaster, Henry Cooper, Primrose Coaches and Tyne Valley Coaches, plus rides on some members of their fleets (not Coopers Tourmaster). £15 - Saturday 30th January.
Oh dammit! I'm not the best with bus types etc.
Oh, I would be on that tour if I wasn't flying to Chambéry on that day, if only I went skiing on the Sunday instead.
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
As with previous 'outings', I tend not to outline the whole in's and out's of the day, preferring to mention select parts.

I had a bit of a bash around Teesside and East Cleveland using an Explorer ticket yesterday.
With no set plan - other than to head home a different way.

Made my way to Boro and decided to have a decent run out on the Sapphire network down there.
Apart from quick hops, I hadn't spent serious time on the bus network down there for a good while and hadn't sampled an ANE Streetlite.
I loved the shades of blue on the mini-roundabout at the entrance/exit to the bus station though Wink.

I quickly noted the lack of a rattle on the emergency exit - for each Streetlite I sampled. Much quieter than the batch GNE have (have yet to use the Deptford examples).
They seemed to change up gears very quickly, which wasn't ideal on the faster stretches of road. I also sensed the drivers taking roundabouts with caution. I am guessing the back ends can be twitchy.

I do like the approach ANE take to using SMS and advertising the fleet number in prominent locations inside the bus too.
I wish I tried the number to check on the procedure, as no plug sockets worked (is this a problem with all Streetlites - never had a working example yet).
The WiFi was great. I noticed the registration process, similar to other public WiFi providers.

All in all, a canny day out - except I ended up coming home using the same routes as heading down...
'Illegitimis non carborundum'
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
Jimmi wrote:

That's quite long and I don't think I'd want to spend that long in Acomb. Would probably be better to do Sunderland and Hexham in two different days although it could be done in one if I was to plan it right. Don't know yet, we'll see what I come up with closer to the time.

If I wanted to see what's in Tyne Valley Coaches depot, I would get myself along to this:

Includes trips to the depots of Coopers Tourmaster, Henry Cooper, Primrose Coaches and Tyne Valley Coaches, plus rides on some members of their fleets (not Coopers Tourmaster). £15 - Saturday 30th January.

This is a cracking idea, I might try and get my partner to come with me if she's off work. Question though what will be the exact itinerary? I'm just thinking a trip from Acomb across rural Northumberland to Bedlington would be a cracking ride. What kind a vehicle is being used for the trip?

RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
(12 Jan 2016, 1:47 pm)Charles41 wrote This is a cracking idea, I might try and get my partner to come with me if she's off work. Question though what will be the exact itinerary? I'm just thinking a trip from Acomb across rural Northumberland to Bedlington would be a cracking ride. What kind a vehicle is being used for the trip?


Just awaiting a response from them, exact pick up points and the vehicles being used.
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
(12 Jan 2016, 2:31 pm)GX03 SVC wrote Just awaiting a response from them, exact pick up points and the vehicles being used.

Hi Tommy, thank you for your email and your interest in my planned North East Bus & Depot Tour.
The tour will start from Bewick Street which is opposite the main entrance of Newcastle Central railway station.
I will be aiming to use a selection of vehicles during this tour including at least 2 different vehicles from Henry Cooper and at least a further 2 from Tyne Valley Coaches.
Fares are payable on the day and there is no need to pre-book to join me on this tour.
I will update my website with some additional details shortly.
Hope to see you soon.

Also been told by the organiser in a Facebook conversation that Tyne Valley's F27TMP, a Leyland Tiger will be used.
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
(12 Jan 2016, 11:27 pm)GX03 SVC wrote Also been told by the organiser in a Facebook conversation that Tyne Valley's F27TMP, a Leyland Tiger will be used.

Cracking, I'd go just for a trip on the Tiger. Alas my partner groaned when I told her about the trip last night.

Count me in.

RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
(13 Jan 2016, 1:37 pm)Charles41 wrote Cracking, I'd go just for a trip on the Tiger. Alas my partner groaned when I told her about the trip last night.

Count me in.


There's an additional stop at Gateshead MetroCentre Coach Park, 40 minutes before Bewick Street.
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
(15 Jan 2016, 9:52 pm)Davie wrote My plan for tomorrow;
Middlesbrough, Peterlee, Hartlepool, Sunderland then somewhere else where I've not though of yet.

(15 Jan 2016, 10:01 pm)BusLoverMum wrote No Place.
I'm not sure if I want to do that plan or have a day riding around on Cadet's, MPD's.