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Daily Mail/Ed Milliband
Has anyone seen the furore that has been kicked up after the Daily Mail published an article on Saturday?

Ed Milliband has claimed his right to reply, but the Mail seem unrepentant, publishing the article AGAIN today.
'Illegitimis non carborundum'
RE: Daily Mail/Ed Milliband
(01 Oct 2013, 1:47 pm)aureolin wrote Clegg has also tweeted support for Ed. Hopefully Dave will do the right thing and condemn them.

There is a quote knocking about that has been atributed to Cameron.
Something along the lines of he would do the same, if his Dad was attacked in the same way.

I can't remember the Mail going to town on Jimmy Saville or Fred West like they have done on Millibands Dad...
'Illegitimis non carborundum'
Marxista Fozzski
RE: Daily Mail/Ed Milliband
(01 Oct 2013, 1:47 pm)aureolin wrote Clegg has also tweeted support for Ed. Hopefully Dave will do the right thing and condemn them.

Do many still read the Daily Fail...

I think Dave has come out in support of Eduardo...

I dont think they needed to go that far with Ralf Milliband, the dead cant defend themselves aftwr all
RE: Daily Mail/Ed Milliband
(02 Oct 2013, 7:59 pm)BJ10VUS wrote Question 10 is a bit odd. I'm not sure anyone would be doing that while completing the survey? Tongue

I wonder what Ashley Cole would have done with his phone 'allegedly'.

Mind, to get to that question, I had 2-3 goes and lied a few times.
'Illegitimis non carborundum'