RE: PSV Accessibility Regulations (DDA Regulations) - at a glance
Number not displaying on the side destination screen of 4992.
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(13 Mar 2016, 12:25 pm)Davie wrote 604's rear blind is just showing the service number, not the destination or via points.When I was in Concord yesterday, I saw at least two MPD's only showing the service number in the centre of the rear screens. Thankfully this is not really a massive problem.
(13 Mar 2016, 12:38 pm)Jimmi wrote When I was in Concord yesterday, I saw at least two MPD's only showing the service number in the centre of the rear screens. Thankfully this is not really a massive problem.
(13 Mar 2016, 1:44 pm)Dan wrote Yes -Â 604 and 606. Done on purpose, temporarily, whilst we wait for Hanover to fix some of the wiring.
Good job it's not a 'massive problem', otherwise Arriva would be screwed!
(13 Mar 2016, 6:48 pm)NK53 TKT wrote Â
I have never seen an Arriva MPD with a working rear destination since January 1st. Says a lot about Arriva
(13 Mar 2016, 6:53 pm)Adrian wrote You can't have looked very hard then, as the last few proper days I've spent out, I think I spotted one or two at most that weren't? I also see Arriva buses going past most of the day, and again, most have working destinations from what I see.Â
There are a number of Streetlites still not configured correctly, and showing a centre aligned service number on a full size display. As long as the number is on the rear then it's fine, but makes the purchase of rear full size displays a bit pointless!
(13 Mar 2016, 6:54 pm)NK53Â TKT wrote Well I am talking about the X16 and the 57/57A.
(24 Mar 2016, 11:03 am)Dan wrote Stagecoach 27510 front/rear displays intermittently flashing on/off.I noticed that yesterday, seemed to spend most of its time off, first two times I saw it the screens were blank (the first time I saw it was for a good 30 seconds), but the few seconds I saw it for the third time it was showing the display as normal.
(25 Mar 2016, 1:49 am)James101 wrote One for the destination experts:
What do we think of trentbarton? Their destinations are usually very clear, but they rarely comply to PSVAR guidance.
There's barely any route numbers to speak of. The display will often switch between the destination and the route brand; sometimes including descriptions such as on the red arrow 'Derby FAST'.
Then there's the issue of colour. On the Spondon Flyer, the two variations of the route are denoted by a green or blue circle where a number would usually be. On occasion where a route has a number, such as 'the two' the number is spelled rather than displayed as a digit.
All in all, it would be difficult to argue they are not being clear with their equipment. AlthoThe unconventional, I would argue they really make the most of their equipment. Do their efforts, however, make it (very) technically illegal?
(25 Mar 2016, 7:44 am)citaro5284 wrote Under DDA regs, the route number and terminal point should always by shown on the front. Â If the service is registered with the TC and it has a route number, then under the rules, it must be shown at all times. Â If they just register the service as Rainbow (even thou their buses are not painted in rainbow colours) for example, then this needs to be shown at all times instead of the route number.
There is nothing in the regs about colour, so whilst some colours do not look good to see, they are fine with that.
As you say, its difficult to argue a case, however if the things I have mentioned above are not constantly shown, they are breaking the PSVAR rules.
(25 Mar 2016, 8:27 am)Andreos1 wrote Megabus are another example.
Many a time I see their vehicles on the motorway, only displaying the destination.
No service number at all.
(25 Mar 2016, 8:58 am)Kuyoyo wrote Megabus services in England and Wales are not registered with the Traffic Commissioners so therefore do not need to comply with these regulations.
Add to the fact they don't apply to Coaches for another 4 years anyway...