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Kirkby Stephen and Brough Rally 2018

Kirkby Stephen and Brough Rally 2018

Kirkby Stephen and Brough Rally 2018
once again this rally will be held over the Easter Holiday weekend.

its a fantastic event. With plenty vehicles available for hop on/hop off journeys along the route.
RE: Kirkby Stephen and Brough Rally 2018
Well another great day at Kirkby Stephen today. Special thanks to Wilkinson Travel (South Shields) who once again provided the transport.

A lot more different vehicles this year as opposed to previous. Also notable, was a lot more coaches used for the free (but donations greatly appreciated) rides.
RE: Kirkby Stephen and Brough Rally 2018
(01 Apr 2018, 4:09 pm)TEN 6083 wrote Had a good day, got a lot of photos which are now on my Flickr.

Sent from my iPhone 7+ using Tapatalk

Some cracking photos there.

Unfortunately my car had a serious accident travelling to the rally so I could not make it this year.

Looks like I missed an excellent rally.

RE: Kirkby Stephen and Brough Rally 2018
This is the point where I share a link to my photos from the rally... Or at least, I normally would do but unfortunately, I had no transportation to the rally this year, so I was unable to attend as a result.

Certainly looks to have been a good mix of stuff from the photos that I've seen so far, although IMO that has been the case the previous three years.

Hopefully I'll be there next year.
RE: Kirkby Stephen and Brough Rally 2018
I have to say it has been on of my more enjoyable Kirkby Stephen rallies I've attended. A very intensive service was ran with a bus every 5 minutes which dropped to 10 minutes for about 2 hours whilst people had lunch. Before going back to every 5 minutes until near the end.

Got a few winners including a Ford R1014 and an AEC Swift. Will post some photos later, I managed to get photos of the Wilkinsons Coach as it returned home.
Please feel free to visit my Flickr page -
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