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Ianthegoon   25 Oct 2018, 6:28 am
(24 Oct 2018, 9:14 pm)S830OFT wrote One of those strange things, 637 - 639 tend to be on the 238 opposed to the 10 Plate Solos, it would be ideal to debrand 698 - 700 as most of the 238 route is out of the Sunderland area.

So where are 698 - 700 most likely to be found, then?  The 516 is mentioned above, but that only accounts for one vehicle.
Dan   25 Oct 2018, 7:26 am
(25 Oct 2018, 6:28 am)Ianthegoon wrote So where are 698 - 700 most likely to be found, then?  The 516 is mentioned above, but that only accounts for one vehicle.

698 - 700 should be allocated to service 238 (PVR 3).

637 - 639 and 697 should be allocated to services 593/H1 and 516 (PVR 2). Two of the four act as a spare vehicles for the entire minibus network at Deptford (including the aforementioned services as well as Sunderland Connect 700 and Black Cats 33/33A).
Michael   25 Oct 2018, 11:34 am
(25 Oct 2018, 4:50 am)Citaro5326 wrote Wonder what'll be on the orders for 35,93,94,97 then

Probables nothing, they'll probables get cascades, if anything, i would think new buses are likely for the 58 and the Quaylink services before those.

My predication's before (although, i would think, all of them won't come at once)

38 Versa's at Riverside:
5377 - 84 (8) - 58
5385 - 5388, 8310 - 8318, 8329 - 8338 (23) - Quaylink
5389, 8306, 8308, 8309, 8327, 8328 (6) - Go North East 

Streetlites ordered:  31 

8 for the 58 + 1 spare 
23 for the Quaylink + 3 spare 

--- Cascades (all to be in Go North East)

5377 - 84 to Loop (5385 as a spare) 
8310 – 16 to Chester for the 13/14 and X25? (8317/18/19 as spares) 
8329 – 8338 (10) to Green Arrow (8327/8328 as spares) 
8306, 8308 – 67/69 
86,87,88 and 89 spares at Riverside 

Total spares:

Chester – 3 
Riverside – 8 (1 to be used on the X66 on a Saturday) 

All above removes the Scania’s from service from Riverside and Chester expect for 5228-32 which will go Percy Main to replace the Eclipses. 

35 - not sure what they would get, as i can't see the service getting new buses

Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.
S830OFT   25 Oct 2018, 2:28 pm
(25 Oct 2018, 11:34 am)Michael wrote Probables nothing, they'll probables get cascades, if anything, i would think new buses are likely for the 58 and the Quaylink services before those.

My predication's before (although, i would think, all of them won't come at once)

38 Versa's at Riverside:
5377 - 84 (8) - 58
5385 - 5388, 8310 - 8318, 8329 - 8338 (23) - Quaylink
5389, 8306, 8308, 8309, 8327, 8328 (6) - Go North East 

Streetlites ordered:  31 

8 for the 58 + 1 spare 
23 for the Quaylink + 3 spare 

--- Cascades (all to be in Go North East)

5377 - 84 to Loop (5385 as a spare) 
8310 – 16 to Chester for the 13/14 and X25? (8317/18/19 as spares) 
8329 – 8338 (10) to Green Arrow (8327/8328 as spares) 
8306, 8308 – 67/69 
86,87,88 and 89 spares at Riverside 

Total spares:

Chester – 3 
Riverside – 8 (1 to be used on the X66 on a Saturday) 

All above removes the Scania’s from service from Riverside and Chester expect for 5228-32 which will go Percy Main to replace the Eclipses. 

35 - not sure what they would get, as i can't see the service getting new buses

Could some Loop Solars not go to the 35 to replace the 51/02/53 plate Solars?

Michael   25 Oct 2018, 2:33 pm
(25 Oct 2018, 2:28 pm)S830OFT wrote Could some Loop Solars not go to the 35 to replace the 51/02/53 plate Solars?

All the exact same age.

Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.
pbjd   25 Oct 2018, 3:45 pm
(25 Oct 2018, 2:33 pm)Michael wrote All the exact same age.

LOOPs are 54 plates.
Michael   25 Oct 2018, 3:49 pm
(25 Oct 2018, 3:45 pm)pbjd wrote LOOPs are 54 plates.

I forgot 4990/4992 were from 2001/2002, could just replace them with with the Scania's in Go North East livery, but i can't see them replacing the brand now.

Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.
S830OFT   25 Oct 2018, 5:59 pm
(25 Oct 2018, 3:49 pm)Michael wrote I forgot 4990/4992 were from 2001/2002, could just replace them with with the Scania's in Go North East livery, but i can't see them replacing the brand now.

The 35 should go back into See It Do It Livery in a blue base. Seeing how the PVR of the 35 is 8, and they have 8 Loop Solars, could they repaint 5219 - 5226 blue?

Dan   25 Oct 2018, 6:05 pm
(25 Oct 2018, 5:59 pm)S830OFT wrote The 35 should go back into See It Do It Livery in a blue base. Seeing how the PVR of the 35 is 8, and they have 8 Loop Solars, could they repaint 5219 - 5226 blue?

Don't see the point - the Loops will be 15 years old next year, and they'll be earmarked for disposal too.
Michael   25 Oct 2018, 6:43 pm
(25 Oct 2018, 6:05 pm)Dan wrote Don't see the point - the Loops will be 15 years old next year, and they'll be earmarked for disposal too.

Reason why i said, they won't bother taking the "Black Cats" brand off the Scania's, what ever the Scania's have now, they'll probables get scrapped in that livery.

Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.
Dan   25 Oct 2018, 6:48 pm
(25 Oct 2018, 6:43 pm)Michael wrote Reason why i said, they won't bother taking the "Black Cats" brand off the Scania's, what ever the Scania's have now, they'll probables get scrapped in that livery.

Inclined to agree - apart from 4949, which has been repainted into fleet livery this week!
Michael   25 Oct 2018, 6:54 pm
(25 Oct 2018, 6:48 pm)Dan wrote Inclined to agree - apart from 4949, which has been repainted into fleet livery this week!

Ye but isn't that because another bus is going in to the Poppy Livery?, (although i can't remember what bus it was!!) must be getting ready to scrap 4949.

Will the Poppy bus actually move depots this time?

Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.
pbjd   25 Oct 2018, 7:14 pm
(25 Oct 2018, 6:54 pm)Michael wrote Ye but isn't that because another bus is going in to the Poppy Livery?, (although i can't remember what bus it was!!) must be getting ready to scrap 4949.

Will the Poppy bus actually move depots this time?

Possibly the FAB56 that's in for repaint.
missedbus   25 Oct 2018, 7:28 pm
(25 Oct 2018, 7:14 pm)pbjd wrote Possibly the FAB56 that's in for repaint.

It was suggested that 5390 was going to be the new Poppy Bus.
pbjd   25 Oct 2018, 7:36 pm
(25 Oct 2018, 7:28 pm)missedbus wrote It was suggested that 5390 was going to be the new Poppy Bus.

Interesting, nice to see the livery stay in the Gateshead area, hopefully the liveries quality doesn't drop.
S830OFT   25 Oct 2018, 8:16 pm
(25 Oct 2018, 7:36 pm)pbjd wrote Interesting, nice to see the livery stay in the Gateshead area, hopefully the liveries quality doesn't drop.

Could it not be 2 Poppy Buses, like how they have 2 Pride Buses?

V514DFT   26 Oct 2018, 10:46 am
(25 Oct 2018, 8:16 pm)S830OFT wrote Could it not be 2 Poppy Buses, like how they have 2 Pride Buses?

Personally i think each depot should have a poppy bus

Kind Regards
GNE6312   26 Oct 2018, 4:22 pm
(26 Oct 2018, 10:46 am)V514DFT wrote Personally i think each depot should have a poppy bus


Heres what i think it should go to for each depot:
Percy main- 6116 (removing the red livery from the gemini2s)
Riverside- 5390 (as mentioned)
Chester-le-street- an angel streetdeck atreetdeck
(6331 prehaps then all of 6331-3 will have special liveries)
Whashington- 3943
Deptford- 5438 or a fab fifty six
Peterlee- 618 or 619
Hexham- 5304
Crook- castles express streetdeck
park5354   26 Oct 2018, 5:13 pm
(25 Oct 2018, 7:36 pm)pbjd wrote Interesting, nice to see the livery stay in the Gateshead area, hopefully the liveries quality doesn't drop.

Citaro5326 Wrote: [url=][/url]6901,6905,6907,6099,6100 - 56
3962,6030- X1
5260 - 4
Could get myself a B7 later after work :p

Two B9s off for PSV, another off for repaint, another off for a broken window, and another off for a mechanical reason.

Poppy Bus perhaps  ??
Ianthegoon   26 Oct 2018, 9:07 pm
(25 Oct 2018, 7:26 am)Dan wrote 698 - 700 should be allocated to service 238 (PVR 3).

637 - 639 and 697 should be allocated to services 593/H1 and 516 (PVR 2). Two of the four act as a spare vehicles for the entire minibus network at Deptford (including the aforementioned services as well as Sunderland Connect 700 and Black Cats 33/33A).

Many thanks for the heads-up on the 516.

Today, for the first time ever, I actually found 698 and 699 on the 238, but 700 was missing - headed north, and crossed it at Harton Nook working the 516 Wink
JM03   27 Oct 2018, 6:04 pm
There’s a fab 56 decker with 697s ticket machine and why are all 56 delayed and together
Dan   27 Oct 2018, 6:13 pm
(27 Oct 2018, 6:04 pm)JM03 wrote There’s a fab 56 decker with 697s ticket machine and why are all 56 delayed and together
Match day?

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
Wybus   27 Oct 2018, 8:19 pm
Which depot operates service 168 now?

Do Deptford still do a scholars 5030 in Peterlee?
Dan   27 Oct 2018, 8:24 pm
(27 Oct 2018, 8:19 pm)Wybus wrote Which depot operates service 168 now?

Do Deptford still do a scholars 5030 in Peterlee?

Today, Chester-le-Street. From tomorrow, Peterlee.
Solo 708 will be transferred to Peterlee tomorrow to operate the 168 service.

The 5030 service was withdrawn from the start of this academic school year.
JM03   27 Oct 2018, 9:45 pm
(27 Oct 2018, 8:24 pm)Dan wrote Today, Chester-le-Street. From tomorrow, Peterlee.
Solo 708 will be transferred to Peterlee tomorrow to operate the 168 service.

The 5030 service was withdrawn from the start of this academic school year.
Why would they operate it from a depot so far away
Wybus   28 Oct 2018, 11:03 am
There is an 11 that starts at Wallsend Metro at 0809, does this operate another service or a scholars before hand?
JM03   28 Oct 2018, 11:09 am
(28 Oct 2018, 11:03 am)Wybus wrote There is an 11 that starts at Wallsend Metro at 0809, does this operate another service or a scholars before hand?
Miscilanious i think, probs the 392
Rapidsnap   28 Oct 2018, 6:10 pm
(27 Oct 2018, 9:45 pm)JM03 wrote Why would they operate it from a depot so far away

In the morning the 168 starts from East Rainton
Distance from CLS Depot - 5.6 Miles
Distance from PLE Depot - 8 Miles

On the evening the last trip terminates at Hetton Le Hole Interchange
Distance from CLS Depot - 7.2 Miles
Distance from PLE Depot - 6.3 Miles

Total Dead Mileage
CLS - 12.8
PLE - 14.3

There isn't actually much distance between the 2 depots and considering the time the service operates and runs, they could tag say a work service from Rainton Bridge to Peterlee on the end to eradicate the dead mileage. Plus the costs of supplying drivers for the service will be lower at Peterlee so it negates the 1.5 mile difference. I'm sure there are plenty of other routes that have much more dead mileage than the 168.

Distances provided by Google Maps.

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Who needs heroes anyway? Villians have more fun.
S830OFT   28 Oct 2018, 6:23 pm
(28 Oct 2018, 6:10 pm)Rapidsnap wrote In the morning the 168 starts from East Rainton
Distance from CLS Depot - 5.6 Miles
Distance from PLE Depot - 8 Miles

On the evening the last trip terminates at Hetton Le Hole Interchange
Distance from CLS Depot - 7.2 Miles
Distance from PLE Depot - 6.3 Miles

Total Dead Mileage
CLS - 12.8
PLE - 14.3

There isn't actually much distance between the 2 depots and considering the time the service operates and runs, they could tag say a work service from Rainton Bridge to Peterlee on the end to eradicate the dead mileage. Plus the costs of supplying drivers for the service will be lower at Peterlee so it negates the 1.5 mile difference. I'm sure there are plenty of other routes that have much more dead mileage than the 168.

Distances provided by Google Maps.

Let's not forget the bus on the 168 runs onto the 237.

Andreos1   28 Oct 2018, 8:20 pm
(28 Oct 2018, 6:10 pm)Rapidsnap wrote In the morning the 168 starts from East Rainton
Distance from CLS Depot - 5.6 Miles
Distance from PLE Depot - 8 Miles

On the evening the last trip terminates at Hetton Le Hole Interchange
Distance from CLS Depot - 7.2 Miles
Distance from PLE Depot - 6.3 Miles

Total Dead Mileage
CLS - 12.8
PLE - 14.3

There isn't actually much distance between the 2 depots and considering the time the service operates and runs, they could tag say a work service from Rainton Bridge to Peterlee on the end to eradicate the dead mileage. Plus the costs of supplying drivers for the service will be lower at Peterlee so it negates the 1.5 mile difference. I'm sure there are plenty of other routes that have much more dead mileage than the 168.

Distances provided by Google Maps.

36 on an evening after a Sunderland finish must be a canny hike. Why they don't have it run a version of the 78 I don't know.

'Illegitimis non carborundum'
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