RE: Go North East: Latest News & Discussion - March 2020
(24 Mar 2020, 2:36 pm)Michael wrote Wouldn't be surprised if Deptford's Scania's are taking out of service too, we might not see them back in service...
hopefully Dan will be kind enough and put the list of transfers on here 
The position is changing daily - lots of buses are now out of service (too many to list as it's essentially half of the fleet!) and some buses have gone to different depots for storage, such as the aforementioned Quaylinks.
The Saltmeadows Road scholars services are now being operated out of Riverside, with Saltmeadows becoming storage for the surplus National Express coaches (plus five of the ex-East Yorkshire Volvo B7s).
Surplus double-decks have transferred from a number of depots to ensure newer, more reliable and more fuel efficient buses are allocated to scholars:
- 6001 to 6005 Washington to Riverside
- 3941/42/62/63/65, 6043/44 and 6162-66 Chester-le-Street to Riverside
- 6132/33/34/35 Percy Main to Riverside
- 6047/75/76 Hexham to Riverside
- 6084 Deptford to Riverside
(this has led to the temporarily withdrawal of all dual-door Volvo B7s, and ex-East Yorkshire Volvo B7s, ordinarily used on scholars).
Other transfers of note:
- Sprinter 730 Riverside to Consett, for service 30.
- Cathedral Bus Solos 715 & 716 to Washington, for service 23 (706 and 707 then temporarily delicensed).
- Streetlites 5420/40/41/51 Consett to Deptford, for single-deck services.
- Streetlite 5452 Riverside to Deptford, for single-deck services.
- OmniCity 5249/50/51/52/64/66/67/68/70/71 Chester-le-Street to Percy Main, for service 1 (6056-70 temporarily delicensed).