(17 Jan 2014, 2:28 pm)eezypeazy wrote Just a wild guess, but could 5210 be 8228's replacement at Hexham?
Gold star for you

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(17 Jan 2014, 6:37 pm)Dan wrote Fab56 promotion in Sunderland tomorrow, between 1000 and 1730 outside of Burger King for anyone interested.
(17 Jan 2014, 2:02 pm)fozzovmurton wrote Saw 5210 in bright yellow, what brand is it going to?
(17 Jan 2014, 6:37 pm)Dan wrote Fab56 promotion in Sunderland tomorrow, between 1000 and 1730 outside of Burger King for anyone interested.
(17 Jan 2014, 6:40 pm)Michael wrote Might be going to Carlisle tomorrow so i'll miss it!
Iv'e being on them 4 times and i'm still not convinced to why i don't like them lol
(17 Jan 2014, 6:48 pm)Bazza Houston wrote http://www.flickr.com/photos/bazza90/11999142485/ - 8299
http://www.flickr.com/photos/bazza90/119...otostream/ -8300
has anybody noted this?
(17 Jan 2014, 6:49 pm)Bazza Houston wrote would have gone but am at a Sunderland A.F.C match there at home to Southampton but if they were away i would have more than likely went
(17 Jan 2014, 6:59 pm)Tom wrote I might go!
(17 Jan 2014, 7:18 pm)Dan wrote I love them, me. So much warmer than the Solars! The perks of Wi-Fi and power sockets are great too. The ride is a hell of a lot smoother as well.
(17 Jan 2014, 7:18 pm)Dan wrote I love them, me. So much warmer than the Solars! The perks of Wi-Fi and power sockets are great too. The ride is a hell of a lot smoother as well.
Both were noted in the news.
A shame you won't be present! Hopefully you'll catch another promotional event though.
That Northern Rail service you spoke of earlier will take you right there!
(17 Jan 2014, 7:24 pm)Michael wroteit might be that! I really like the solar's though
least we don't have to suffer from the Vykings on the 56 from now on!
(17 Jan 2014, 8:16 pm)andreos1 wrote I was just about to suggest something along the lines of what Dan suggested.
Never been on the 56 Geminis, but have used other Geminis in the fleet regularly.
They seem soulless to me and lack character or personality.
Maybe that character will come once the fitters get their hands on them, who knows?
(17 Jan 2014, 8:33 pm)Tom wrote I've always said that, they do lack character, but the comfort of them is fantastic, and I bet the passengers love them! Much prefer Arriva Gemini's, or the Olympians by far
(17 Jan 2014, 8:37 pm)citaro5284 wrote What soul does a bus need
Lets not forget, they are bought for a purpose and that is what they are doing.
(17 Jan 2014, 9:14 pm)busman101 wrote The X21's I've been on have been spot on all week and getting busier too, but that is on the bit North of Durham
(17 Jan 2014, 8:37 pm)citaro5284 wrote What soul does a bus need
Lets not forget, they are bought for a purpose and that is what they are doing.
(17 Jan 2014, 9:19 pm)busman101 wrote Exactamundo - it's a bus, with lots of modern features that customers like and that we've had some great feedback from so far this week. Old Olympian's might be lovely from a gricer's perspective (me included), but from a customers perspective, it's a different kettle of fish
(17 Jan 2014, 9:30 pm)andreos1 wrote But that's what we are, 'gricers'.
Putting it into this analogy, a younger lass, with nice smooth curves, full of plastic - might look fantastic, but the ride isn't always what you expected.
The older woman, might be rough around the edges - but sounds fantastic and gives you an enjoyable ride, meaning every time you get off, you fail to be disappointed.