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Marxista Fozzski
Re: RE: Wrestling
(27 May 2014, 12:44 pm)AdamY wrote I use a variety of sources. Chikara, prior to their hiatus last year, used to release weekly podcasts via Youtube which documented the latest storyline developments in addition to airing featured matches from the promotion. Presumably, they will continue to do this now that the promotion is back.

New Japan Pro Wrestling, arguably the second placed promotion after WWE, also release matches and events via Youtube as do Mexican promotions CMLL and AAA.

People, of course, sometimes rip matches from DVD's and post them to YouTube, Daily Motion and Vimeo. Through this, pretty much every promotion in the world is covered to some extent. You just have to know what to search for and where to look I suppose.

Here's one of Chikara's old weekly podcasts. This one covers their annual 'King of Trios' event from 2009 featuring current WWE wrestlers Antonio Cesaro (then known as Claudio Castagnoli) and Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson); and British wrestling legend Johnny Saint

Many thanks for that mate...will you send me the invite for the torrent sites you go on plz, I would appreciate it a lot...
RE: Wrestling
I haven't watched it yet, but Payback seems to be getting some pretty good reviews with the Cena/Wyatt match being described as the 'Best Last Man Standing Match' ever.

Did anyone watch it?

Is it worth checking out?
RE: Wrestling
I'm busy watching New Japan's annual Best of the Super Juniors tournament at the moment.

I would really love to see either Mascara Dorada or Ricochet win the tournament although Ricochet (representing Dragon Gate) is reportedly WWE-bound soon so politics may come in to play here. Incidentally, last years' winner, the Irish-born Prince Devitt, has recently been signed by WWE. Along with WWE NXT's Adrian Neville (who got to the Semi's in 2012), Dorada and Ricochet are two of the most spectacular aerialists in the world. Things have moved up a notch since the days of Rey Mysterio.

RE: Wrestling
(02 Jun 2014, 4:42 pm)AdamY wrote I haven't watched it yet, but Payback seems to be getting some pretty good reviews with the Cena/Wyatt match being described as the 'Best Last Man Standing Match' ever.

Did anyone watch it?

Is it worth checking out?

I stopped up and watched it, Cena/Wyatt was a Brilliant Match, and The Shield vs Evolution was a good Watch also, the other Matches were rather lackluster and pointless to be honest.
RE: Wrestling
There's two indy-wrestling events on this month in Newcastle.

Sunday 22nd June sees Tidal Championship Wrestling's "20,000 Leagues Under the Tyne"

[Image: 10371987_10152137640526546_1518818374094716363_n.jpg]

And on Friday 27th June, Main Event Wrestling presents "Masked Vengance"

[Image: Bl1a0sAIIAAD8DN.jpg]

Anyone up for going?

Personally, I'd choose the TCW event as it appears to feature better UK talent such as Noam Dar, El Ligero, Rampage Brown, The Bucky Boyz and GRADO!!, who was the focus of a BBC documentary about wrestling last year.

Marxista Fozzski
Re: Wrestling
So Raw was interesting the other night. Batista took his ball and went home turning his back on Evolution, at the end of the show, HHH announced his plan B...Seth Rollins turned heel on the Shield...

Where do people see this going, will The Shield bring in a new man or is this the end for the hounds of justice, I actually thought Ambrose would have been the one to turn, not Rollins
RE: Wrestling
(05 Jun 2014, 8:27 am)marxistafozzski wrote So Raw was interesting the other night. Batista took his ball and went home turning his back on Evolution, at the end of the show, HHH announced his plan B...Seth Rollins turned heel on the Shield...

Where do people see this going, will The Shield bring in a new man or is this the end for the hounds of justice, I actually thought Ambrose would have been the one to turn, not Rollins

I think it was the right decision to turn Rollins heel.

I can understand why Ambrose may seem like the obvious choice to some. However, in addition to being sneaky and probably untrustworthy, I think his character also comes across as unhinged and non-conformist. The current version of Evolution comes across as conformist, yielding to corporate whimsy and I don't think Ambrose really fits that mould. Besides, although Reigns is being positioned as the obvious star, Ambrose has a lot of charisma and is probably one of the top three babyface wrestlers in the company (Goldust and Cena would be other two). By this I mean he actually knows how to get sympathy from the crowd through what he does in the ring. Just watch him, Ambrose really is that good.

I'm not sure as to whether adding a new member to The Shield is a good idea. They would have to bring in someone who fits the group better than Rollins did which, of course, is problematic as this is the only version we've known and Rollins was an integral part of that group. A new version of The Shield may diminish the strength of the previous version which wouldn't help Reigns (or Ambrose) if they are to move up the card. However, although Reigns is popular, he needs someone to cover his weaknesses. He is still quite green having being protected by Rollins, Ambrose and a variety of opponents. Outside of his Superman Punch and Spear, both of which generate huge crowd reactions, what other notable offence has he got?

Rollins will be fine in his new role - I think he'll make a good lackey for HHH .
Marxista Fozzski
Re: Wrestling
(05 Jun 2014, 5:09 pm)AdamY wrote I think it was the right decision to turn Rollins heel.

I can understand why Ambrose may seem like the obvious choice to some. However, in addition to being sneaky and probably untrustworthy, I think his character also comes across as unhinged and non-conformist. The current version of Evolution comes across as conformist, yielding to corporate whimsy and I don't think Ambrose really fits that mould. Besides, although Reigns is being positioned as the obvious star, Ambrose has a lot of charisma and is probably one of the top three babyface wrestlers in the company (Goldust and Cena would be other two). By this I mean he actually knows how to get sympathy from the crowd through what he does in the ring. Just watch him, Ambrose really is that good.

I'm not sure as to whether adding a new member to The Shield is a good idea. They would have to bring in someone who fits the group better than Rollins did which, of course, is problematic as this is the only version we've known and Rollins was an integral part of that group. A new version of The Shield may diminish the strength of the previous version which wouldn't help Reigns (or Ambrose) if they are to move up the card. However, although Reigns is popular, he needs someone to cover his weaknesses. He is still quite green having being protected by Rollins, Ambrose and a variety of opponents. Outside of his Superman Punch and Spear, both of which generate huge crowd reactions, what other notable offence has he got?

Rollins will be fine in his new role - I think he'll make a good lackey for HHH .

I have heard people say Ambrose may have some potential with a Loose Cannon type gimmick along the lines of Brian Pillman, the one thing I loved about him was he played it great and you never knew with Pillman whether he really had a loose or was a very good actor...By the way I loved Ambrose's reaction, the look on his face was one of absolute and surprise, probably one the best reactions I have seen to a wrestler turning Big Grin

As for The Shield, I would like to see a Shield 2.0, but as you say, who would fit in, I have heard people put out names like CM Punk and Sami Zane from NXT...I don't watch enough of it to be able to have a serious conversation about it...

The Shield split has been coming for months now from what I have seen, I always saw Rollins as being the glue that stuck them together with Roman being the star of the group and Ambrose as the groups voice, Dean, imo, has a natural talent on the mic...

Do you think at a future PPV this year we will see Rollins/Orton or Trips v Ambrose and Reigns and if such a match was ever made would it be a good time for them to go there separate ways onto a singles run, as they undoubtedly have bags of potential...

One more thing, I found a screenshot of some girls twitter feed or whatever...
[Image: a7u3atyz.jpg]

Couple bits of that made me chuckle, The worst part for me was Deans face LMAO and My life is over LMAO...

I think someone needs to be sat down, she is either a complete dumbshit or she has taken the term suspension of disbelief to a new extreme level
RE: Wrestling
Sami Zayn's character doesn't really fit in with The Shield. Zayn is a likeable, all-smiling babyface with tons of underdog charisma - he's also an outstanding wrestler to boot. There are rumours that he may turn heel soon which should add an interesting counterpoint to how he's always been portrayed. If he does turn heel then I'd imagine he'll be portrayed as the annoying little prick with the face you'd want to smack. Given his ability, I think he'll be pull-off just as well but I digress. Either face or heel, Zayn doesn't need to be associated with The Shield. He'll get over fine on his own.

As for CM Punk, well, if he grows his hair back out and dyes half of it blonde then I guess he'd look similar to Seth Rollins. They both have similar body-types. But I don't think Punk is coming back any time soon - rumour has that's he's retired anyway. Apparently, he's also got a wedding coming up soon - to AJ Lee which explains her absence of late.

I say let The Shield rest. They came up from developmental together and were essentially nobodies. Initially, no-one had any star-power to speak of and the group was always supposed to be the focus - not one particular wrestler. They weren't trying to take over the show like the nWo; nor were they protecting each others titles like The Four Horsemen. They don't represent the past, present and future like Evolution; nor are they some demonic cult like The Ministry or Raven's Nest.
RE: Wrestling
(08 Jun 2014, 5:50 pm)aureolin wrote Ultimate Warrior air max Big Grin

[Image: 10359246_10152186512024227_1199475582554713972_n.jpg]

They're interesting and unique to say the least.

However it is a custom design and, so far, only one-pair have been produced. Personally, I don't think the concept will catch-on so I wouldn't be expecting collaboration between Nike, WWE and Freakersneaks anytime soon.

Also I think the colour scheme would be better suited towards a Macho Man Randy Savage-type project.
RE: Wrestling
(09 Jun 2014, 5:28 pm)AIG20 wrote I can't wait for Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose's reaction to Seth Rollins face turn last week. I hope they have a new member to replace him.

In addition, I wonder who the new General Manager of Raw will be?

I almost forgot that Brad Maddox had been 'fired'. There is really no point in having a new GM especially when, whoever it is, will have their position undermined by Steph, Trips, Kane and, possibly, the rest of Evolution. This essentially makes the new GM the sixth most powerful person on Raw so, really, what's the point?
Marxista Fozzski
Re: RE: Wrestling
(09 Jun 2014, 5:28 pm)AIG20 wrote I can't wait for Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose's reaction to Seth Rollins face turn last week. I hope they have a new member to replace him.

In addition, I wonder who the new General Manager of Raw will be?

Seth Rollins did not have much to say, so looking forward to the Shields reaction.

As for a new Shield member, not sure now if I would like to see them add somebody else, maybe put them in a storyline against Seth Rollins and Randy Orton and/or Trips and have the likes of Ziggler and Big Show team up for 6 man tag matches.

But I think it is time for The Shield to have a singles run, because what is there left for them to do in the Tag Team Division, they have beaten and destroyed near enough everyone

As for Brad Maddox I never really liked him in the first place.

One person I would love to see as a GM/Commish would be Shane McMahon, it would never happen but he could have come purely anti-authority with the storyline of him being pissed off that Steph and Trips pretty much own and run the company and he has nothing...Plus I always liked Shane
RE: Wrestling
Due to Injury Daniel Bryan has been stripped of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, meaning the Title will be defended in a Ladder Match at Money In The Bank, Worst Part Daniel Bryan wasn't even there to Surrender the Belts and they were hanging above the Ring.
Marxista Fozzski
Re: RE: Wrestling
(10 Jun 2014, 12:15 am)NEBCD Malarkey wrote Due to Injury Daniel Bryan has been stripped of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, meaning the Title will be defended in a Ladder Match at Money In The Bank, Worst Part Daniel Bryan wasn't even there to Surrender the Belts and they were hanging above the Ring.

So instead of a contract with a guaranteed title shot, the belts will be on the line 😀
RE: Wrestling
Good to see Cena teaming with The Shield even if it is on a short-term basis. This means Roman Reigns push will not stagnate as I imagine he and Cena will become BFF over the next year or so eventually culminating in a feud where one becomes jealous and turns on the other (think Savage/Hogan -WM5). It also means that Ambrose will be peeled away from the group and left to do his own thing once the immediate issue with Evolution is resolved.
Marxista Fozzski
RE: Wrestling
I love Dean Ambrose, he is a madman and what he had to say on Raw made me laugh.

But I agree with Adam, The Shield will completely drift apart now, wonder if they will turn on each other or will they amicably
RE: Wrestling
(10 Jun 2014, 6:46 am)marxistafozzski wrote I love Dean Ambrose, he is a madman and what he had to say on Raw made me laugh.

When Ambrose talks it makes you want to listen. Very few wrestlers have that ability nowadays. You should check out some of his promos from when he was wrestling on the indies (as John Moxley).

This one in particular I think is great. It's done in a silent movie style (no words obviously) but Moxley/Ambrose still manages to get his message across in a captivating way.

Marxista Fozzski
Re: RE: Wrestling
(10 Jun 2014, 11:26 am)AdamY wrote When Ambrose talks it makes you want to listen. Very few wrestlers have that ability nowadays. You should check out some of his promos from when he was wrestling on the indies (as John Moxley).

This one in particular I think is great. It's done in a silent movie style (no words obviously) but Moxley/Ambrose still manages to get his message across in a captivating way.

Was he in TNA as Moxley???
RE: Wrestling
(10 Jun 2014, 12:18 pm)marxistafozzski wrote Was he in TNA as Moxley???

I don't think so but I'd have to check. If he was in TNA, it would've only been a couple of appearances as a jobber on either Xplosion or Impact. I'll have to find out now.
RE: Wrestling
(10 Jun 2014, 1:39 pm)marxistafozzski wrote I saw a video of him on Youtube ages ago and I am sure it was TNA, may have just been house show, dark match whatever Confused

I had a quick look at his career cross-referencing the matches listed on Cagematch with his general Wikipedia profile and I can't find any evidence which suggests that he was in TNA at any point. He has wrestled sporadically in the WWE as Jon Moxley (as enhancement talent) in the past jobbing to the likes of Val Venis from 2006 until he was eventually signed in 2011 so it's possible that you may have seen one of these matches at some point. Apart from that, CZW and Dragon Gate USA are the promotions I'd associate him with most prior to his WWE run.

that youtube link ya posted is brilliant

Glad you liked it. Here's another featuring Moxley at his psychotic best.

RE: Wrestling
(10 Jun 2014, 3:27 pm)Half Pint wrote I'm hoping in October to go see TCW vs CZW in Leeds. Got 2 ICW shows in August in Edinburgh booked and the return to Newcastle.

Did you go to the ICW show in Newcastle at the beginning of the month?

I would have went if I had of known it was on.

I really want to go and see ICW someday. The Glasgow shows look and sound great.
RE: Wrestling
(10 Jun 2014, 4:14 pm)NEBCD Malarkey wrote Jon Moxley TNA Tryout

Apparently this match occurred on November 11th 2008. I don't know why this match has been omitted from Cagematch - all of his other matches are listed including 'dark' matches/tryouts. Very strange!

MNM vs Jon Moxley and Dean Taylor - WWE Velocity 21/1/2006

I used to love MNM. Great theme music, great entrance, great gimmick.
RE: Wrestling
(10 Jun 2014, 3:52 pm)AdamY wrote Did you go to the ICW show in Newcastle at the beginning of the month?

I would have went if I had of known it was on.

I really want to go and see ICW someday. The Glasgow shows look and sound great.

I did and it was fantastic, managed to meet some of the guys after the show and spoke to owner Mark Dallas. Sold out show and was announced they were coming back end of the year.
RE: Wrestling
(10 Jun 2014, 5:08 pm)Half Pint wrote I did and it was fantastic, managed to meet some of the guys after the show and spoke to owner Mark Dallas. Sold out show and was announced they were coming back end of the year.

From what I've seen, Mark Dallas comes across as a genuinely nice guy. A bit like Paul Heyman but without all the bullshit. Out of interest, who else did you meet at the show?

I also like how ICW are touring now. Until recently, it was only All-Star which did tours, but now you have the likes of ICW, LDN and a few other promotions putting on shows around the country. I will definitely attend their return show in Newcastle - providing I can get a ticket of courseWink

Are you going to the Tidal or/and MEW shows towards the end of the month?