I haven't yet seen it in the flesh - gonna do everything possible to ride it today. I do like the desti - it's different

same does anyone know when 9131 is next at Gateshead
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(28 Jun 2014, 9:43 am)danpick wrote [quote='Marcus' pid='49688' dateline='1403947604']
I haven't yet seen it in the flesh - gonna do everything possible to ride it today. I do like the desti - it's different
same does anyone know when 9131 is next at Gateshead
(28 Jun 2014, 9:43 am)danpick wrote [quote='Marcus' pid='49688' dateline='1403947604']
I haven't yet seen it in the flesh - gonna do everything possible to ride it today. I do like the desti - it's different
same does anyone know when 9131 is next at Gateshead
(28 Jun 2014, 10:09 am)Dan wrote I don't think there are any other plans for 9131, so it will simply move on from GNE.
(28 Jun 2014, 12:56 pm)Marcus wrote Had a terrifying experience on 9131 today....
Got on at Chester at 12:35 to Durham. Got to Chester Moor - and some clown thought it would be funny if he swerved across from the right lane and straight in front of us to get to the housing estate. Driver slammed on the brakes, I banged my head off the window in the resulting stop - and as the car drove out of sight the driver of 9131 blared his horn. The screams upstairs though - dear god! I'll never forget that - hat's off to the driver though.
(28 Jun 2014, 12:56 pm)Marcus wrote Had a terrifying experience on 9131 today....Can I suggest it's reported to GNE customer services? I'd hope the demonstrators would still have front facing CCTV of the drivers view, so they can at least attempt to deal with it.
Got on at Chester at 12:35 to Durham. Got to Chester Moor - and some clown thought it would be funny if he swerved across from the right lane and straight in front of us to get to the housing estate. Driver slammed on the brakes, I banged my head off the window in the resulting stop - and as the car drove out of sight the driver of 9131 blared his horn. The screams upstairs though - dear god! I'll never forget that - hat's off to the driver though.
(28 Jun 2014, 2:13 pm)aureolin wrote Can I suggest it's reported to GNE customer services? I'd hope the demonstrators would still have front facing CCTV of the drivers view, so they can at least attempt to deal with it.
(28 Jun 2014, 2:13 pm)aureolin wrote Can I suggest it's reported to GNE customer services? I'd hope the demonstrators would still have front facing CCTV of the drivers view, so they can at least attempt to deal with it.
(28 Jun 2014, 2:24 pm)Marcus wrote Done
(28 Jun 2014, 2:57 pm)marxistafozzski wrote Idiots like you one you encountered should not be on the road, there are some morons out there...
And if that is what I think it is, then people like that need to be caught and dealt with fast before someone's life is put in grave danger...If it was crash for cash, the last people I would be a bus, they probably have more CCTV than a small town
I would hope GNE push this and have the person spoke to with some very harsh and straight to the point words
(28 Jun 2014, 3:41 pm)marxistafozzski wrote Nowt wrong with Aldi lmao
I remember back In the day when carrier bags there at one time cost more than a tin of beans
(28 Jun 2014, 3:42 pm)Adam wrote I love the budget supermarkets. I quite often pop into the Lidl at Wrekenton for a few bits and bobs. It's great if you're a student and don't have a lot of money
(28 Jun 2014, 3:54 pm)Jimmi wrote Lidl is like going into a Spanish supermarket, as you walk down the aisles and see all the tinned foods from brands you've never heard of.
(28 Jun 2014, 4:04 pm)Adam wrote haha yeah tell is about it. There's many brands there I've never heard of.
When it was Greek Independence Day, I thought I'd celebrate my sixteenth Greekness by making a Lidl Greek salad. Got some olives and feta cheese and the packaging was mainly written in Greek.