(21 Aug 2014, 7:41 pm)Michael wrote This was a while back, 5-6 year ago,maybe not sure!The lad who used that one about the maid certainly doesn't have one these days. I wasn't his mate in Year 7 because I thought he sounded like a right twat. He's definitely piped down over the years and is alright now. His house is massive though (four or five levels?), and there's at least 8 spare bedrooms, all beautifully furnished.
Lucky to have maids... dont we wish we can all have them!, bet most of them dont even have lifes...because there mam and dad want them to do every club going.
Me coming from a state school in Plains Farm didn't do me any favours in fitting in when I first joined. Most people had entered the senior school from the junior school, so all knew each other, but I didn't fit in very well at all. I seemed to talk to the older year groups the most, as they had already started to realise that it's not all about whose dad has the most expensive car, etc etc...
I'm definitely seen as the most common out of the lot of 'em, but I'd argue it's made me seem the most down to earth and has gained me more friends in the long run (despite the many arguments I've had). All of the teachers really respect me, and I do seem to be the 'teachers pet' despite causing the most mischief at times.
I've said in the past how I can sit there and quote the school's policies when arguing with a teacher. It's great when you can prove them wrong and it eventually gets to the point where they can't argue back.
Everyone thinks it's bizarre how the teachers get on so well with me when I'm a little clever cunt with them the majority of the time!