(23 Aug 2014, 8:49 pm)Tom wrote With my grandad it was really sudden. He had a cerebral hemmerage and that devastated me. I didn't even get to speak to him before he died, and that upset me.
I'm much better than I was last year now, and I deal with it. Thankfully my grandma is still here though
Both my grandparents were sudden, my nan had a heart attack and was dead before the ambulance, they did not even bother with the defibrillator...I blame the NHS for her death, she fell and broke her outside Buckingham Palace, had an op, when she came home she was brought by ambulance straight home, it was obvious to us all she should have been taken straight to Sunderland or Durham and one doctor even told me, an air ambulance may have been a better mode of transport instead of 6 hours on the road, she died 3 after coming home...Me and her never saw eye to eye, I rarely spoke to her and the day before she died, I went to her house for the first time in about 2 years, as I had a feeling I had to go, and that was the day we put everything behind us, it is as if a little voice said to me 'this will be the last time'.
As for my granddad, aneurysm is mentioned on his death certificate, but we all say he died of a broken heart, a part of him died with my nana, he often talked about death, and although he never said it, he just could not live without her despite us being there...
(23 Aug 2014, 8:51 pm)Marcus wrote Thanks for that, Fozz. I suppose I sometimes don't appreciate my mam, and that's something I feel bad about. I don't see my dad much, because he's some kind of Head of Purchasing at Cummins in Daventry, but he makes about 3 times as much as my mam, and to be honest, he's the one who gives me and my family everything that we don't appreciate.
You only have one mother, she is your best friend, a shoulder to cry on and I can tell you now, if you are in trouble or have hurt yourself, she is the only person to go out of her way to help you, so appreciate her and tell her dammit